| Magdalene Laundries Survivors to Tell Enda Kenny They Want a Full State Apology
By Patrick Counihan
Irish Central
February 11, 2013
Magdalene Survivors Together members hold copies of the Government report
Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny will hear demands for a state apology when he meets survivors of the Magdalene Laundries on Monday.
The Fine Gael leader will receive the survivors at a meeting in government buildings on Monday afternoon.
The Irish PM has been criticised for failing to accept the state’s blame in the Magdalene Laundry scandal after the publication of a government report last week.
Now the survivors will make their demand personally at the Dublin meeting according to the Irish Times.
Survivor Maureen Sullivan, a member of Magdalene Survivors Together, told the paper: “ I never thought this day would come that I would be invited to meet the leader of our country.
“Clearly this man wants to know what he can do for us and it is my intention to make it clear to him what we want. It’s a State apology.”
Five survivors from the Magdalene Survivors Together group will meet Kenny.
Organisation head Steven O’Riordan said: “I am delighted that the women are been given a chance to be heard.
“This is a hugely important step for the women. We hope that this will ultimately lead to an official apology”.
However the Justice for Magdalenes group has sought clarification as to the purpose of the meeting, according to the paper.
Spokeswoman Claire McGettrick said that Kenny and his deputy Eamon Gilmore, who will also attend the meeting, know what the issues are and that the women want an apology and compensation.
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin has given the clearest signal yet that there will be a State apology according to the Irish Times.
Howlin said: “I am absolutely confident that all these matters will be addressed to the full satisfaction of the women involved, who are the front and centre of our concern.
“This is a shameful episode in our history; one of the many shameful episodes. We all want to put behind us now.”