Interesting Occurence in Cloyne!!

Association of Catholic Priests
February 11, 2013

With reference to Fr. Tony Flannery’s current situation, allow me to share the following event which occured this weekend. In the Diocese of Cloyne, a celebrant, recently ordained, used the homily as a personal attack on Fr. Tony Flannery, CSsR. The celebrant used the homily, which is meant to be a breaking the God’s Word, in a partisan manner. A small number of the congregation were motivated to walk out of the Mass, thereby depriving themselves of the Eucharist. This was not the response of ‘mavericks’. Some of those who walked out are actively involved in the parish. Committed Catholics walked out as their only response to the abuse of a homily.

On another occasion, another parishioner, whilst praying the way of the Cross after a Mass, was informed by the same priest that she was late for Mass and thus should not have received the Eucharist at Holy Communion. The lady in question had brought her children with her to the same Mass. One therefore may conclude that the intention of the lady was good. She was met with hostility.


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