Bishop John D'Arcy Dies Sunday Morning
The Elkhart Truth
February 3, 2013
Bishop John M. D'Arcy 6/12/2002 (Truth File Photo)
FORT WAYNE - The Most Rev. John M. D’Arcy, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend, died in the late morning Sunday, Feb. 3.
An announcement from the diocese said that D’Arcy died at his home surrounded by loved ones on the 56th anniversary of his first Mass as an ordained priest.
“We mourn the death of a good shepherd after the heart of Christ, a bishop who loved the Lord and his people with all his heart,” Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades said in a release. “I thank the faithful of our diocese for the many prayers offered for Bishop D’Arcy in his final days.”
D’Arcy had recently been diagnosed with cancer in his lung and brain. He had received treatment at a hospital in Bright, Mass.
D’Arcy served as bishop of the diocese from May 1, 1985 until Jan. 13, 2010.