Abusive Priest Defrocked, SNAP Responds

By David Clohessy
February 1, 2013

The Catholic hierarchy has finally defrocked Belleville's most notorious predator priest, Fr. Raymond Kownacki.

Kownacki abused and impregnated a teen, tried to perform an abortion, and assaulted dozens of kids.

Still, it took Catholic officials almost 20 years to defrock him after he'd already been permanently ousted from ministry. These facts clearly show how little Belleville and Vatican staffers care about vulnerable kids and wounded adults.

Starting tomorrow, Bishop Edward Braxton should personally go to each parish where Kownacki worked, begging victims, witnesses and whistleblowers to call police, get help expose wrongdoing and start healing.

We hope every single person he hurts will find the strength and courage to speak up and help hold the clerics who enabled Kownacki's crimes responsible.








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