| Criminal Bishop Finn Attacks National Catholic Reporter As He Desperately Cling to Power As a Tyrannical Ruler
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
January 26, 2013
Opus Dei Bishop Finn is a convicted criminal and he should be excommunicated immediately. Bishop Finn is the shame and scandal of the Vatican Catholic Church in the USA and he is the evil Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI, his fellow criminal whose crimes against humanity are pending at The Hague read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/09/hague-is-asked-to-investigate-vatican.html.
The first thing a guilty despot does (to cling to power) is always to silence the free press, shut down newspapers publications and their offices (by using any alibi), and jail journalists who criticise his regime, and that is what convicted criminal Bishop Finn is now doing in his diocese in Kansas City, Missouri, as he attacks National Catholic Reporter by branding it as “not a Catholic” publication in an attempt to shut it down. Bishop Finn refuses to resign as Bishop after being found guilty - but he struck a deal with the prosecutor to avoid trial and jail time, read more here ,GUILTY verdict! Bishop Finn must resign: A compilation. Bishop Finn is Finn-ished. Finnsanity... Insane KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS by Catholic League fanatic Bill Donohue propagating Bishop Finn http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/bishop-finn-makes-devils-bowels-smell.html
Read about the journalists jailed by despots in the world under the watch of CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists recently released the number of jailed journalists in the world here lBenedict XVI the Vatican Last Tsar: Final despotic acts. Vatican jails worldwide locations http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/benedict-xvi-vatican-last-tsar-final.html The Committee to Protect Journalists does not include the Vatican Church because the Catholic jails are invisible and much more subtle but they are even more severe. The crimes of the Vatican are always subtle and its capabilities for evil are boundless as we can see today in its cover-up of thousands of pedophile priests and their victims in the USA alone are more than 100,000. It took Amnesty years to figure out before they finally named the Vatican among guilty countries, read here - Amnesty International names Vatican in 2011 report on human rights violations - it's time the UN end the Vatican status as a "secular" state http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2011/05/amnesty-international-names-vatican-in.html
The Vatican condoned and covered-up the rape of children, especially the sodomy of little boys for 50 years, over half a century, and the Vatican condones the rape of women in poor countries as well as it support despots and perpetuates the poverty of Third World countries that is why Benedict “silenced” (jailed) Liberation Theology priests because they would have awakened the poor to claim their rights and Vatican Billions in those countries would have dissipated, read more here Benedict silence Tony Flannery http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/hypocrite-benedict-silenced-outspoken.html
The Vatican Catholic Church’s equivalence to physical jail is to “excommunicate, to silence, to condemn Catholics as ‘heretics’” just like the Vatican Inquisition did with Galileo, read more here
Vatican Terror on Galileo, priests and the poor, women and children http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/vatican-terrorism-on-galileo-women-and.html
Christ said that it is better a millstone should be hung around those who cause a child to sin and Bishop Finn has caused many children to sin, therefore Finn’s neck has a millstone tied to it like John Paul II’s neck, read here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html
Catholics should smart-up and stop attending the Mass and receiving the fake-flesh of Christ under the criminal hands of criminal Bishop Finn. Today, Christ is again being persecuted by Bishop Finn as he abuses Christ by using Him as his mask to camouflage his criminal status as a live criminal-Bishop, read our related article, Benedict XVI uses Hitler as mask before German Parliament. Nazis and Vatican are "a band of robbers" http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/09/benedict-xvi-uses-hitler-to-divert.html.
Bishop Finn is following the strategy of his “Holy Father” Benedict XVI as he desperately cling to power as the Last Tsar of the Vatican and he handpick and tries to silence and excommunicate a few old Irish priests and Jesuits, read about them here Benedict XVI the Vatican Last Tsar: Final despotic acts. Catholic jails worldwide locations http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/benedict-xvi-vatican-last-tsar-final.html
“Like father like son” Opus Dei Bishop Finn is the Evil Achilles Heel of Opus Dei Pope #2 Benedict XVI, read here That is not surprising as Opus Dei orchestrates every papal act and Bishop Finn is a member of Opus Dei, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/10/bishop-finn-is-live-achilles-heel-of.html and Opus Dei Pope #1 is John Paul II http://jp2army.blogspot.ca/2011/04/john-paul-ii-saint-of-pedophiles-and.html and Opus Dei Pope #2 is Benedict XVI
One of the strategies of warfare is “the best defence is an offense” and so Opus Dei Bishop Finn is now attacking National Catholic Reporter and condemning it that it is not a “Catholic” publication, see news compilation below. How can National Catholic Reporter not be a Catholic publication when first of all it is the Vatican’s platform for its foremost Vatican Pied Piper John L. Allen Jr., and second, all that NCR mainly talks about are Catholic news and Catholic spirituality? NCR discusses Catholicism in-depth. NCR’s experts and writers are all Catholic priests and Catholic nuns and Catholic laity. But because they do not belong to Opus Dei, they are being condemned. Except for Opus Dei’s favorite mouthpiece and author John L. Allen Jr, read more about him here John L.Allen Jr.Pied Piper of John Paul II deceives Catholics with his essay Fast-Track Saint in Newsweek -- with Vatican lunacy & Satanic timeline http://jp2army.blogspot.com/2011/05/john-lallen-jrthe-pied-piper-of-john.html
If Bishop Finn really means what he says, the first thing John L. Allen Jr. must do is to resign from National Catholic Reporter. John Allen is the Vatican’s foremost Pied Piper and he alone controls all the detailed information coming out of the Vatican – so that other journalists are required to quote him. John Allen is the Vatican chameleon residing in NCR in his weekly column “All Things Catholic”, read more about John Allen in our related articles here John L. Allen Jr the Devil's twin the 21st century deceving Catholics and the world
In the Vatican strategy “the best defence is an offense” - to reaffirm his oligarch power as Forbes’ 5th Most Powerful Person in the World, Benedict XVI is also attacking a few good priests like Irish Tony Flannery, and excommunicating them like Fr. Roy Bourgeois, read our related articles, Vatican Terror on Galileo, priests and the poor, women and children http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/vatican-terrorism-on-galileo-women-and.html and Benedict XVI the Vatican Last Tsar: Final despotic acts...
It is time the United Nations remove the status of the Vatican as a “country” because it is only one medieval building inhabited by only 800 homosexual GAYS, read our related article here - Synod of Bishops & New Evangelization...or New Marketing of Old Vatican Deceits. Why Vatican must end as a “country” . Christ the Vatican Slave! Australia JP2 Army! http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/why-vatican-must-end-as-country-vatican.html
It is time that the United Nations removes the Vatican as a “country” to weaken the religious clout of “Catholicism” and let justice reign over criminals Catholic Bishops like Finn and all criminal Cardinals like Mahony, who are experts in aiding and abetting pedophile priests in the Vatican Paradise for the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/.
It is time that The Hague brings Benedict XVI to trial before he falls ill or dies like those old Nazis caught in their old age, read more here abotu Nazi caught at 97 years old - Oratory of St. Joseph copy Vatican Titanic. Montreal Police announce arrest of 2 Holy Cross CSC pedophile priests for 14 years sodomy at College Notre Dame http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/oratory-of-st-joseph-copy-vatican.html