Document: Los Angeles Archdiocese Priest Abuse Files

By Victoria Kim
Ashley Powers and Harriet Ryan
January 24, 2013

The former lead­er of the Los Angeles arch­diocese, Car­din­al Ro­ger M. Ma­hony, and a top ad­visor dis­cussed ways to con­ceal the sexu­al ab­use of chil­dren from law en­force­ment of­fi­cials, ac­cord­ing to in­tern­al church re­cords re­leased Monday.

In memos writ­ten to Ma­hony in 1986 and 1987 con­tained in per­son­nel files for 14 priests and filed this month as evid­ence in a court case, his chief ad­visor on sex ab­use cases pro­posed strategies to pre­vent po­lice from in­vest­ig­at­ing three priests who had ad­mit­ted mo­lest­ing young boys to church of­fi­cials.

Full story: L.A. church lead­ers sought to hide sex ab­use cases from au­thor­it­ies


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