| Signs of Trouble before Meth Priest's Bust
By Anne M. Amato
CT Post
January 21, 2013
Monsignor Kevin Wallin of the Diocese of Bridgeport, 2010.
Looking back there were the usual warning signs, those nagging red flags. In Monsignor Kevin Wallin's case, there was the weight loss, the change in his usually meticulous appearance and his erratic behavior that concerned his parishioners and others, including church officials.
"He just didn't look right; he didn't seem the same," said Brian Wallace, spokesman for the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Then came the talk about inappropriate sexual behavior by Wallin, then pastor at St. Augustine's Church. "We became aware that he was acting out sexually -- with men -- in the church rectory," said Wallace.
The main concern was to rule out what Wallin, 61, was doing was criminal, in particular that he was doing anything inappropriate with children.
"We determined that wasn't the case," Wallace said. "There's a difference between sin and crime. We don't out people for their sins."
Since his sexual behavior was deemed "not fitting for a priest," Wallin was asked to, and did, resign in June 2011, just shortly after the concerns were brought to the attention of the Diocese, he said.
After Wallin left, a bag with "sex paraphernalia" was found in his room, Wallace said.
He said their main concern was to "protect the parish -- to make sure (Wallin's) behavior didn't hurt anyone." He added that, at that time, there was no indication of drug use by Wallin, or that he was cross-dressing.
The Diocese wouldn't learn about those allegations until after Wallin's arrest earlier this month on charges of participating in the conspiracy to sell crystal methamphetamine, as well as dealing the drug.
Ordained in 1984, Wallin, dubbed "Monsignor Meth," served in Bridgeport from that year until 1996, when he went to Danbury's St. Peter Church. In 2002, he returned to Bridgeport and remained until his resignation.
Despite attempts by the Diocese to get Wallin help at a mental health facility -- "basically an intervention" -- Wallace said he never completed any of the treatments.
"He said he wasn't ready or said he didn't need it," Wallace said. "You can't force someone with a problem to get help."
Wallin "hadn't come to terms" with his issues, Wallace said.
When a third attempt at intervention failed, Wallin was removed from his priestly duties.
"The bishop felt he had to take more drastic action," Wallace said, adding that soon after that, Wallin's life "began to spiral out of control."
That was in May 2012. That was also when the Diocese began to suspect there were other factors involved, he said. Although, he said, given what they know now, drugs might have been an issue.
Wallace said the Diocese hasn't had any official dealing with Wallin since that time, although he continues to receive a modest stipend.
"We don't want an indigent priest dependant on welfare," he said. "We take care of our own."
Federal investigators allege that Wallin was earning as much as $9,000 a week selling crystal meth.
Jamie Dance, chairwoman of the Diocese of Bridgeport chapter of the Voice of the Faithful, wonders why church officials weren't aware of Wallin's problems sooner.
"This is a man with a visible presence who was close to three bishops," she said. "Why didn't someone jump on this sooner?"
Dance said she's concerned about the health of the Diocese.
"But they seem to keep things private -- secretive," she said. When scandals, such as this, become public there's great damage to the church, she noted.
This includes the honest, good and trustworthy priests "who are left to explain another scandal" to their congregation, she said.
Wallace said they aren't sure "what provoked" the change in Wallin's behavior, nor will they likely ever know.
"He was very accomplished, very well liked, a successful priest," he said. "He did a lot of good for a lot of people."
He said there was never any problem with Wallin -- until his inappropriate behavior became an issue.
"People should think of this in terms of a family," Wallace said. "Most, or many families, have people with mental health issues or an addiction of some sort. It can tear a family apart."
He said it's agonizing to lose that person: "It's very similar here" with Wallin, he said.
Wallace said they're not downplaying the fact that the charges Wallin is facing are very serious ones.
"All I can say is that he's not the person people remember," he said.
Staff writer Amada Cuda contributed to this story.