| Nsw Supreme Court Judge to Lead Child Sexual Abuse Royal Commission
By Sydney Archdiocese
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney
January 11, 2013
Chief Commissioner Justice Peter McClellan
Former Queensland police commissioner Bob Atkinson
Judge Jennifer Coate
Prof Helen Milroy
Former WA Democrat senator Andrew Murray
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into institutionalised child sexual abuse and named the six commissioners.
The chief commissioner is Justice Peter McClellan AM, currently the Chief Judge at Common Law of the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
Announcing the details in Sydney with the Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon and Family Services Minister, Jenny Macklin, the Prime Minister said she believed too many children were subjected to shocking sexual abuse and were not provided with a safe childhood.
She said the Royal Commission would provide advice and recommendations to the government "in as timely a way as possible" with an interim report expected in 18 months and a final report in three years - although this could be extended.
The Royal Commission is not a prosecuting body however the terms of reference have given commissioners the power to set up an investigative unit to work closely with police.
The CEO of the Catholic Church's newly-formed Truth, Justice and Healing Council, Francis Sullivan said the appointment of the commissioners was welcomed.
"Once again, we commit to fully co-operate and engage with the Royal Commission and its deliberations," he said.
"At its heart, the Royal Commission needs to let the full truth come out and ensure that the dignity of those who have been damaged by these atrocities is preserved, that they are supported, and not subject to a retraumatising of their experiences.
"It is essential that the Commission's process contribute to the healing of the victims, and that institutions develop best-practice processes to address child sexual abuse," he said
The other commissioners represent varied expertise from four states.
They are former Queensland police commissioner Bob Atkinson; Justice Jennifer Coate who served 20 years as a magistrate and county court judge in Victoria; Robert Fitzgerald AM, a commissioner in the Productivity Commission; Prof Helen Milroy who has extensive experience e in child and adolescent health and former Western Australia Democrat senator, Andrew Murray.
Describing the announcement as a significant day for survivors of child sexual abuse the Prime Minister said she "wanted their voices to be heard".
Asked if church leaders would appear before the Royal commission the Prime Minister said that was a question for the commission however she added:"I would be saying to the whole nation that we have all got an obligation to shine a light on what has happened in the past."
Francis Sullivan said;"The Church stands ready and willing to assist.
"Apart from participating fully in the Royal Commission, the Church will embark on its own processes of atonement and healing to bring light, hope and compassion to this very dark episode."