Judge Elias, Please Release All Confidential Church Records of Names of Vicars, Bishops, Others Who Handled Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in Los Angeles Archdiocese

By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
January 7, 2013

Dear Judge Elias,

Thank you for your courage and being the "Good Judge" of the 21st Century who will release all the personnel files and the names of high-ranking Catholic church officials in 30,000 pages of confidential records about Catholic priests accused of abusing children in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

You'll probably be - the first and only judge - to do this but you will set a good example for other dioceses and countries - to be fearless in revealing the whole truth and nothing but the entire truth - that are just beginning to wake up to this most heinous crime systemically covered-up by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.

The writers and prophets in the Bible wrote and revealed the entire truth and withheld nothing no matter how impious were the information about their kings and priests. Your wise judgement - to release all files including the names of church officials like Cardinal Mahony - can only match the truth and thoroughness of the Bible.

Christ said, "The truth shall set you free" and now you are setting free thousands of victims of the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of the 20th Century especially those of Los Angeles, USA.

You are now setting the "path of freedom" - and protection of children - armed with knowledge of history - for generations to come. May God bless you for your courage and wisdom.


Paris Arrow








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