In Theory: an Italian Priest's Divisive Words
Glendale News-Press
January 5, 2013,0,2970193.story
ARCHIVE PHOTO: Dozens of women and men were on hand at a "Take Back the Night" vigil to protest domestic violence. Photo by Alex Collins |
An Italian Catholic priest is under fire for a Christmas message he made that apparently blames women for domestic violence. Perio Corsi's text, titled “Women and femicide — healthy self-criticism. How often do they provoke?” contains the lines, “How often do we see girls and mature women going around scantily dressed and in provocative clothes? They provoke the worst instincts, which end in violence or sexual abuse. They should search their consciences and ask: Did we bring this on ourselves?”
Corsi, the leader of a church in San Terenzo in northern Italy, also described modern women as “arrogant” and accused them, among other things, of serving cold food and not cleaning their houses. After his text was published online he first apologized for it and then retracted his apology. He has also dismissed demands for his resignation.
More than 100 Italian women were killed in domestic violence incidents in 2012, a third more than the previous year.
Q: Do Corsi's words reveal an entrenched cultural view of women and domestic violence?
I believe Perio Corsi's sermon reflects a grossly uninformed and errant view of the issue of domestic violence. It also reflects a belittling view of womanhood that is held by some people in the modern world, and that may in fact be entrenched in some regions or people groups. But I also believe that slowly these negative estimations of women are changing. Whether or not the overall modern cultural view of women ends up in a good place depends on whether or not it understands and follows God's biblically revealed will for the role of men and women.
Both men and women are created by God in his image. Both genders, along with every age group and nationality are redeemed the same way through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross for us. God instructs us to kind and gentle to each other regardless of gender, putting the needs of others before our own. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” is the second great command linked with loving God with all our hearts. Yes, God has appointed specific roles in marriage and family life that some reject as old-fashioned or chauvinistic, but when they are properly understood and faithfully applied women and men are both esteemed and elevated.
Pastor Jon Barta
Valley Baptist Church
Unfortunately, recent anti-feminist remarks by the Italian priest, Piero Corsi, illustrate only too well that male chauvinism is far from dead. In the United States, domestic violence is a leading cause of death for women from ages 15 to 44, with more than 1,200 women fatal victims annually.
Worldwide one in three women will suffer some form of violence committed against them, and in some cultures this violence is sanctioned. For example in 2011 there were 943 honor killings of women in Pakistan alone.
In contrast, although women were considered second-class citizens in Christ's time, he never treated them that way. He publicly spoke and interacted with women, something that was not considered culturally appropriate. There were many women who followed him and contributed financially to his support, the most well-known being Mary Magdalene. But several others are mentioned including Joanna, the wife of Herod's steward, and two other Mary's, both mothers of Jesus' disciples. (Matthew 27:55–56; Luke 8:1–3)
Jesus had deep respect for women. He gave one woman the compliment of having “great faith,” one of only two people that he acknowledged this way (Mark 7:24–30). We know that many women followed him all the way to the cross, while only one disciple, John, did so. And at a time when women were not considered a credible witness, Jesus first appeared to a woman after his resurrection and gave her the responsibility of bearing witness to his disciples (Mark 16:9; Luke 24:9–12).
I'm not sure where Father Corsi is deriving his views of women, but it is clearly not from the gospel and example of Jesus Christ! Unfortunately, being a clergyman, his words garner much more attention than they are worth.
Pastor Ché Ahn
HRock Church
Women have more freedom and equality than they had 100 years ago. In the United States women vote, own property, earn paychecks, keep money in personal bank accounts, attend college and run for elected office.
This is not enough. There are double standards in all aspects of our society. Women do not receive equal pay for equal work. Men can safely walk most streets of the city while women are not yet able to do so.
Other countries have even more unjust standards for the treatment of women. There have been outrages in Pakistan and India in recent weeks that indict this male-dominated world for injustice and violence to women.
Father Corsi reveals an ugly point of view in our male-dominated society. While no organizations or religions are free of these outdated opinions, those organizations that prevent women from sharing power at the top will never be believed when they claim to offer equality of treatment and opportunity to women.
While there is enduring injustice in the treatment of women, I am hopeful that the future will see improved justice and equality for women.
Steven Gibson
South Pasadena Atheist Meetup
How often do we see girls going around scantily dressed and in provocative clothes? Whenever Berlusconi throws a party. So all Italian men must be corrupt sex-maniacs preying on underage girls.
Just my turn at a gross stereotype.
The ignorant, harmful myth that women and girls provoke sexual assaults by their appearance and behavior is no joke. Little babies get raped. Wizened old women. Severely disabled individuals. Do they provoke it? Did the Indian woman who died of multiple organ failure after torture with an iron bar ask for it?
Rape is about hate, aggression and power, and is sexual only in a perverted sense.
Father Corsi's bishop declared his message “unacceptable” and a Vatican spokesman immediately dismissed the idea that violence against them is the fault of women themselves. Corsi's statement has been met with widespread public criticism throughout Italy. I find that the OECD ranks Italy far below the U.S. in incidents of domestic violence.
There is stupidity in every culture. Good that it gets aired so it can be thoroughly rebuked.
Roberta Medford
Duh! You think so? Sorry to start out the new year with a smart-aleck reply, but Father Corsi's words reveal not only a deep-seated cultural bias against women, but I would venture to say that there's almost some hatred of women in his mind. Also, I'm suggesting with a faint smile that Father Corsi may be having a bit of trouble with his vow of chastity or celibacy because I think his statement reveals that scantily-clad women might just be turning him on!
This priest, it must be said, is not the first person of authority to say such things. There are judges right here in America who have essentially said the same sort of thing to rape victims appearing before them in their courtrooms. So we can't smugly say, “Oh, those sexist Italians!” We have the same “disease” right here in the good old U.S. of A. Women have made a lot of progress over the past century, but Father Corsi's remarks show how much prejudice they still face. Perhaps he would like to see women take up a new habit, pun intended!
The Rev. Skip Lindeman
La Cañada Congregational Church
La Cañada Flintridge
I am shocked and disappointed that a member of the clergy would write such an absolutely ludicrous article. Instead of protecting the vulnerable and promoting marital harmony, Corsi is basically endorsing one of the vilest social ills known to mankind. This priest should be ashamed of himself — and perhaps as a form of penitence, he should devote the rest of his life to eradicating the sinful plague of domestic violence.
Corsi's inflammatory language echoes the age-old “blame the victim” mentality that so many ignorant people have adopted in the past. This idea of holding women responsible for the violence perpetrated against them is similar to blaming the victims of a pickpocket because they carried money in their wallets. Corsi's words are not only offensive, but downright dangerous. This line of reasoning can only lead to more violence against women.
There can be no excuse for sexual assaults or acts of violence against women regardless of religious feelings, personal grievances, or any other real or perceived injustices. Period. I find it repulsive that Corsi's alleged gripes toward women can be seen as somehow justifying abuse. Regardless of how someone may choose to dress or conduct herself, even if it is truly “offensive,” it can never, ever justify violence.
Let us hope that in this new year of 2013, we will finally cleanse our nation — and hopefully our world — of the evil scourge of domestic violence.
Rabbi Simcha Backman
Chabad Jewish Center
Father Corsi is wrong to say that victims are to blame for domestic violence and sexual abuse. Based on the published excerpts of his message, he appears to be absolving the abuser of responsibility, a message that is dangerous and contrary to Christ's teachings.
News articles point out that Roman Catholic authorities, including the regional bishop the Vatican, have said that Corsi's comments do not represent the views of the church.
There is no question that domestic violence is a serious problem that deserves continued attention. However, I believe that in the U.S. we've made progress in recent decades changing the public perceptions about violence and its victims. This was one of the findings of a 2010 report, by the FrameWorks Institute, that can be found on the website of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence.
In the Latter-day Saints church, members of the lay clergy are taught that in cases of abuse, their first responsibility is to protect the victim. They also are instructed specifically to assure the victims that they are not to blame. The church also provides professional counseling through LDS Social Services and, as needed, may assist with legal help and housing.
From a doctrinal standpoint, abusive behavior is considered a sin. Perpetrators must repent, a process that involves not only reconciliation with God, but accepting the possible legal consequences of their behavior.
The church teaches that husbands and wives should cultivate on a Christ-like love and consideration for one another and their children. They should pray together, discuss family decisions and share responsibilities. It's true that reality sometimes falls short of this ideal. However, we continue to strive for the ideal.
Michael White
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
La Crescenta
I'm guessing that Father Corsi has heard complaints from his male parishioners about their wives' cooking and cleaning, since he wouldn't know (being celibate) but he is a man with eyes and is probably not crazy in his assessment of immodest clothing. Let me say that there is absolutely no excuse for anyone's abuse, but women in general should protect themselves by not encouraging the worst element among us. This is really everyone's problem, but if women dress and behave like an open invitation to sexual assault, then it's understandable why it comes. We'd like to leave unlocked doors, and pass through bad neighborhoods, but when we do, we invite burglary and battery. We should be able to live free of evil, but we live in a fallen world, and that's how it will remain until Christ returns.
However, Corsi's big leap is in trying to place the blame for “domestic” violence on the aforementioned excuses. That seems especially odd to me; that being slow, sloppy and sexy are credible reasons to beat one's wife to death. The padre should be adamantly preaching about marital roles and righteous Christian behavior. Yes, the Bible teaches wives to respect their husbands and submit to their pants-wearing status, but it also teaches men to love their spouses (Eph 5:22). Notice the distinct emphases, as though what comes less naturally on either side requires divine directive.
Italy's culture may be working overtime, but shouldn't a churchman preach against culture when it goes against God? God says, “If anyone does not provide for…his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1Ti 5:8 NIV). Provisions include sustenance, as well as safety and security. One might suggest that Italians are worse than unbelievers, but then they only murder 100 while Americans murder upward of a 1,000. Who's worse? Whose fault? Don't blame God.
The Rev. Bryan Griem
Montrose Community Church
I am still trying to figure out how a “she deserved it” rant on domestic violence sneaked into a Christmas message. Let's see… we have the angel speaking to Mary. Nope, no one gets hurt in that scene. We have Joseph deliberating his options. Nope, Joseph explicitly chooses a nonviolent response to Mary's unexpected good news. We have shepherds abiding with their flocks by night. Nope, no women or fighting or houses to clean there. How about the wise men? Again, we are short on provocative women characters and long on a story about pursuing the mysteries of heaven. Really, the only violence in the Christmas story is Herod's jealous, cruel, raging slaughter of the innocents as he seeks to destroy “the newborn king.” Clearly not a text from which could be derived a sermon about women bringing abuse upon themselves.
However, a text of terror like this one might legitimately provide a way for a pastor to speak to the jealousy, cruelty and rage that actually does provoke domestic violence. A text about a king with anger issues and too much power to indulge them might open the door to a conversation with a man who wants power and control over others and uses his size and strength to get it.
I don't know what is or is not entrenched in Italian culture, but I do want to say to those who live in our culture, where the Bible is more often assumed than actually read: There is no basis for Fr. Corsi's terrible words. In Jesus, we discover a God who is love and wants love for us. This is the sermon we should be preaching at Christmas — and at every other time of year.
The Rev Paige Eaves
Crescenta Valley United Methodist Church
La Crescenta