| Oratory of St. Joseph Copy Vatican Titanic.
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
December 31, 2012
The giant GOLDEN COW Statue of St. Joseph in the Votive Chapel
Victims protest about CSC pedophiles during the canonization year of Saint Fere Andre
The Vatican is the MOST EVIL POWER on Earth. The Vatican’s worst crimes are the SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard despots’ ill-gotten wealth hence they perpetuate poor countries and poor peoples.UN UNITED NATIONS must END the VATICAN as a “COUNTRY” because it is ONLY ONE BUILDING for male homosexual GAYS (population half a USA High School). Women and children are forbidden...The Pope, Nuncios, Cardinals do not need DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY to RE-INCARNATE JESUS in the EUCHARIST = MAGIC + SORCERY
When Laszlo Csatary, the 97-year old former Nazi criminal, was caught and arrested in Hungary last year, he had lived a quiet life as an art dealer in Montreal until 1997, see news below and read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/trial-of-willaim-lynn-compilation.html In Israel, Efraim Zuroff, director of the Wiesenthal Center’s Jerusalem office, applauded his arrest and said:
“When you look at a person like this, you shouldn’t see an old frail person, but think of a man who at the height of his physical powers devoted all his energy to murdering or persecuting and murdering innocent men, women and children,” Zuroff told the AP.
Montreal Police announced before the New Year that they have caught two CSC pedophile priests, Olivain Leblanc, 70, and Georges Sarrazin, 91, who are Holy Cross brothers of Saint Brother Andre - for their sodomy crimes of 14 years at CollegeNotre Dame right across the Oratory of St. Joseph. Montreal Police, Montreal Justice Courts and Montreal judges should treat Olivain Leblanc, 70, and Georges Sarrazin, 91, (just like the The Hague treats Nazi criminal 97 year old Laszlo Csatary), and shouldn’t see two old frail religious persons, but think of two men who at the height of their physical powers devoted all their energy to sexually abusing and sodomizing innocent students at the College Notre Dame...and Montreal population should see that that giant Zeus statue of St. Joseph saw everything that was going on for years and didn't come down one bit to save and protect those helpless students from these CSC Holy Cross pedophile bastards priests, read more here
Does Saint Brother Andre of the Oratory of St. Joseph belong to an evil CSC company (branch of Vatican Evils) that has a CSC Pedophile Resurrection that keep haunting him since his glorious canonization in Rome? For “Holy” Cross Saint Andre, the endless pedophile sexual crimes committed in the same College Notre Dame where he worked as a porter for 40 years can’t seem be buried with him in his Tomb at the Oratory, and they keep resurrecting by his own CSC pedophile brothers who are now criminals hunted like old Nazis… There are three things that Saint Brother Andre’s religious family, the Holy Cross Congregation, Congregation de Sainte Croix, CSC and the Nazis have in common: First, they are filthy rich like the Vatican, the CSC own most lands and buildings in Montreal akin to the Vatican own most of Rome and Italy, see here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html, the Oratory of St. Joseph boast the second largest dome next to the St. Peter’s Basilica dome. Second, it is only in their old age that they are being caught and arrested for their heinous crimes, and they try to use their health as the excuse to avoid prosecution and justice, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/trial-of-willaim-lynn-compilation.html . Third, they are not “above the law”, the CSC pedophile priests/brothers are not above secular Police even if they carry the name “Holy” Cross Congregation and they are copy-cats of their hypocrite “Holy” Father Benedict XVI for the CSC are “holy fathers” arrogant hypocrites priests who do not “practise what they preach” at the Oratory of St. Joseph that is also sinking in moral bankruptcy with the Vatican Titanic!
FYI, you are arrogant priests who are public people and the Oratory is a public place and we Americans and Google Blogger have the right of the Freedom of Speech in the Charter of Human Rights to expose your hypocrisy like Jesus exposed the hypocrite Pharisees for there is nothing “holy” about you all at the Oratory of St. Joseph, like father like sons, you are hypocrites like your “Holy” Father Benedict XVI read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/hypocrite-benedict-silenced-outspoken.html.
PEOPLE, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles or money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, for Christ has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.” GO! GO! Be BRAVE, WILSON KENNEDY, expose ALL EVILS of Sexual Abuse against young students at the College Notre Dame committed by the CSC pedophile priests/brothers of Holy Cross Congregation of the Oratory of St. Joseph!
When Saint Brother Andre was canonized in 2010, protests were held against his CSC pedophile priests/brothers at the College Notre Dame (see photo below). A year later, the CSC agreed to pay $18 million dollars to settle and silence victims of CSC pedophile priests/brothers - but which is now being delayed, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/csc-holy-cross-congregation-delay-18.html . 18 million dollars here and 15 million dollars there, these are cheap change for the billionaire CSC. Sadly, despite their Mammon wealth, there seems to be no end in sight to the evil pedophilia in Saint Brother Andre’s CSC religious family Holy Cross Congregation. Two years after his canonization, on December 29, 2012, Montreal Police announced that two CSC pedophile priests/brothers will be arrested in the New Year 2013. The Montreal Police are kind to allow these CSC criminals to spend Christmas and New Year in their millionaire homes but these bastards were not kind to their victims. What a way to end the year and start the New Year while those CSC arrogant hypocrites priests pretend nothing is happening from the Oratory of St. Joseph. Hail CSC Pedophile Resurrection! Montreal Police announced that Holy Cross Congregation’s Olivain Leblanc, 70, and Georges Sarrazin, 91, committed “gross indecency, indecent behaviour and sodomy”… “80 to 100 times in the space of two years” – if this is not evil, what is? Like the Nazis, evil runs in the religious family of the Holy Cross Congregation who own the Oratory of St. Joseph and their “Saint” Brother Andre cannot “save” them from his famous “holy” Tomb. There are already 220 known victims and students of CSC pedophile priests/brothers from the small College Notre Dame located right across the Oratory of St. Joseph both owned and run by the Holy Cross Congregation, and with this arrest, the whistleblower, Wilson Kennedy, a former CSC Brother said, “this is just the tip of the iceberg”, watch video below.
GO! GO! Be BRAVE, WILSON KENNEDY, and expose ALL EVILS of the CSC Holy Cross Congregation of the Oratory of St. Joseph! The Vatican Titanic has been hit by moral icebergs worldwide, read here, and now the Oratory of St. Joseph is also being hit by its own evil icebergs, not from the outside but inside, by its own CSC pedophile priests/brothers worthy members of the JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army jp2-patron-saint.
Giant St. Joseph statues…Thousands of candles…They did NOTHING to save/protect victims
People should stop worshipping the Golden Cow Statues of St. Joseph at the Oratory. It’s obvious that the CSC giant statue of ST. JOSEPH in FRONT of the ORATORY SAW EVERYTHING when these heinous crimes were happening before his eyes but he could not come down and save any of those helpless victims satiating the bestial lust of CSC pedophile priests/brothers at College Notre Dame just a few feet across the street. Imagine how, everyday, those same criminal CSC pedophile priests/brothers would simply cross the street to the Oratory for the Sacrament of Confession which protects them criminals but persecutes their victims, read /sacrament-of-confession-protects and then they’d partake in the Sacrament of the Eucharist or the Magic of Host or Sorcery of the reincarnation of the Flesh of Christ which could not curtail their bestial lust of Sodomy, read here eucharist magic Hollywood, please make some great movies out of these. These true stories are more important than sci-fi movies because they will awaken all children to be vigilant against “holy” sexual predators in their schools. Obviously, the Tomb of Brother Andre of “Saint” brother Andre could not help those students/victims either. Those thousands of candles in the Votive Chapel in the Oratory of St. Joseph could not stop the black robe Devil-controlled CSC priests/brothers sodomizing hundreds of young students in that same College Notre Dame where the CSC “saint” Brother Andre lived and worked for 40 years. Remember that Benedict XVI blamed the Devil for the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here -benedict-xvi-blame-devil Remember the Nazi caught in Hungary last year? He too was 93 years old and he lived a quiet life as an art dealer in Montreal. But the Jews never gave up until International Police caught him because “it must not be his age now that matters, but what he did in his heydays that must now face justice”, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/04/trial-of-willaim-lynn-compilation.html
We pray that Benedict XVI will soon be tried at The Hague http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/09/hague-is-asked-to-investigate-vatican.html.
People, please STOP LIGTHING CANDLES to St. Joseph at the ORATORY and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal.
Remember what God said in the Bible: “it isn’t material offerings that I want, but acts of mercy”, therefore give your money to the poor instead of feeding the GOLDEN COW statues of Saint Joseph who can’t come down and help you just like he couldn’t come down and help those hundreds of students victims at College Notre Dame sodomized by CSC pedophiles priests/brother.
Jesus said, when you pray, go pray in your own room in secret and close the door, and your heavenly Father in Heaven will hear your prayers …
Read about the Sorcery of the Eucharist here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/oc-diocese-buys-crystal-cathedral-as.html Christ is not present at the Oratory of Saint Joseph where He abhors those CSC priests because they are cruel and not Christian at all, and they do not “practise what they preach” see below the Biblical quotations of Christ against the Pharisees and those CSC Holy Cross priests are worse than the Pharisees!
Oratory money machine and Brother Andre as fat CSC cash cow
CSC means Congregation de Sainte-Croix, the French for Holy Cross Congregation. Brother Andre is their one-and-only “saint” of the CSC and Oratory insiders say that they paid-out to the Vatican 15 million dollars for the title. CSC is the initial that Frere Andre (an illiterate) could sign after his name. Brother Andre could only sign 3 words, his name “Fr. Andre” and “CSC”. The CSC priests during his lifetime were very cruel (they still are cruel today) and they persecuted and ridiculed him for his dream of building the big church for St. Joseph. Today from his Tomb at the Oratory of St. Joseph, where 2 million people visit each year, he probably regrets to have signed CSC after his name because, today, CSC is synonymous with Money Mammon and the CSC are only using Brother Andre as their fat cash cow…just like the Vatican serves the Mammon Beast by using Christ’s Name as their fat cash cow. CSC priests at the Oratory have many well-paid employees (not necessarily Catholics) who make sure that each visitor pays $3 to enter the Oratory (imagine if you have a family) and each tourist must pay $3 (imagine bus loads). Plus $5 for parking. So before you see anything, you’ve spent already $8. You won’t really see much… except publicity manipulated hype just like Benedict XVI is the Master Manipulator of the Media http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/benedict-xvi-master-manipulator-of.html. That’s not counting the overpriced boutique souvenir stores that will empty easily your wallets which you should be giving to the Red Cross or the homeless shelters of Montreal instead of spending on useless religious trinkets like those medals whose saints faces are not recognizable and who cannot save your life or save others. The Oratory today is a money machine tourist building as noisy as any casino with all the clicking of cameras and dropping of non-stop coins to light candles and the loud chattering of tour groups and almost everybody else babbling everywhere. Don’t expect any sacred atmosphere inside the Oratory which you probably can find better in the Botanical Garden of Montreal. For your money’s worth, it’s more worthwhile to go to the Botanical Garden where there are thousands of beautiful things to see and admire, and where God speaks through nature in contrast to the harsh plain blocks of concrete all over the Oratory matched with the unsympathetic presence of cold arrogant CSC/Holy Cross priests. But most of all, BEWARE of THIEVES they are lurking everywhere in the Oratory where cars and purses are regularly stolen and those unsympathetic yet wealthy billionaire CSC priests couldn’t care less what you lost! They wouldn’t even loan you bus fare or cab fare to get back home if your car was stolen. They’ll let you walk home in the frozen snow wherever you live in Montreal or even if your home was in Boston. Those CSC priests are not Good Samaritans at all, just like their “Holy” Father John Paul II read here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2006/11/john-paul-ii-shirked-el-salvador.html. People of the world, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre.
Oratory arrogant CSC/Holy Cross priests
Today, the CSC priests at the Oratory mimic their Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI who sits indolently in the lap of luxury in the Vatican Palace (read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/vatican-titanic-hit-by-melinda-gates.html) as none of the CSC priests at the Oratory of St. Joseph do any charity works like Saint Brother Andre did during his lifetime: CSC priests today do not visit the sick or the poor, they barely speak with the pilgrims and neither do they spend time with visitors… because they are all arrogant CEO’s and wealthy executives sitting in their thrones at the Oratory of St. Joseph where they merely use Saint Brother Andre’s name as their cash cow and like King Midas their noisy metal money slots located everywhere (akin to million dollars casino slot-machines) people drop in millions of dollars to light candles – in the Votive Chapel and in front of the St. Joseph huge Golden Cow Statue…just like John Paul II’s Golden Cow statue, read here Mary versus Eucharist . CSC priests are copy-cats of their hypocrite big “Holy” Father Benedict XVI for the CSC are “holy fathers” arrogant hypocrites priests who do not “practise what they preach”. People of the world, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre.
Two of the comments in the news below say it all: le frere André n'était pas comme eux, aujourdhui il est Saint et les autres vont brulés en enfer avec le diable... meaning “Brother Andre was not like them, today he is a saint and the others will burn in hell with the Devil”.
Frere André n'a rien avoir dans ce gachis, mais l'oratoire n'est plus ce qu'elle devrait etre, aujourdhui c'est l"argent qui menent, exatement ce que Jésus ne voulait pas il a dit vous avez recus gratuitement donner gratuitement, on est loin de la. People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY of St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal.
Pedophile CSC Brother said: “Vast majority, if not all religious of Holy Cross, are homosexual!”
Nice announcement from a member of your own CSC Holy Cross Brother, eh?
One of the pedophile brothers to be arrested, Olivain Leblanc, 70, allegedly assaulted “Daniel” 80 to 100 times in the space of two years when he was in 3rd and 4th year in High School. Brother Olivain Leblanc also reportedly said that the vast majority, if not all religious of Holy Cross, are homosexual! (see news below) This homosexual culture of the priesthood is everywhere so celibacy is not the problem, because priests are not attracted to women but to men, and also to little boys, and the priesthood is the best place to find homosexual partners, or little boys who’ll blindly trust them because they are “representatives of Christ”, these CSC “holy fathers” arrogant hypocrites priests who do not “practise what they preach” are “representatives of Christ”? Christ does not want to be near those hypocrite CSC priests and He will not blindly obey them in the Sorcery of the Eucharist, read more here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/why-vatican-must-end-as-country-vatican.html. Read here about the homosexual colonization of the Catholic Church http://jp2army.blogspot.ca/2010/05/homosexual-colonization-of-catholic.html
People of the world, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre.
CSC pedophiles priests/brothers are not “above the law”
Last October, Benedict XVI canonized a 332-year old dead Indian woman from Quebec, Kateri Tekawitha, “to heal” victims of the JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/why-vatican-must-end-as-country-vatican.html. The Oratory carried her canonization live and held a huge thanksgiving Mass in her honor. But today, she is a proof that dead persons, even Saint Brother Andre cannot heal or save victims of pedophiles of his own religious CSC pedophile religious family. Saints and the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist cannot stop the Montreal Police from arresting and prosecuting CSC pedophile priests and CSC pedophile brothers no matter how “Holy Cross” is their names and how filthy rich they are because these priests and brothers should not be “above the law”. Let us all pray that Benedict XVI will be tried at The Hague this year so that true justice will be finally served to the hundreds of thousands of victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://jp2army.blogspot.ca/
Kudos to the brave Montreal victims who have come forward and will continue to come forward to reveal everything - for justice sake. Thanks to the whistleblower Wilson Kennedy, a former CSC brother…he got out and left the Holy Cross Congregation before he’d fall into Hell with all arrogant hypocrites CSC Holy Cross priests/brothers at the Oratory of St. Joseph!
People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”
GO! GO! Be BRAVE, WILSON KENNEDY, expose ALL EVILS of Sexual Abuse against young students at the College Notre Dame committed by the CSC Holy Cross Congregation of the Oratory of St. Joseph!
The Oratory of Saint Joseph copy the Vatican Titanic and both are sinking in moral bankruptcy
The GIANT STATUE GOLDEN COW of St. Joseph overlooking College Notre Dame a few feet across the street -- he could not come down to stop the hundreds of sodomy committed by Holy Cross Congregation priests and brothers
People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”