| Secret Boy Scout Sex Abuse Claims Posted Online
The Ktvu
December 27, 2012
Boy Scouts (faces blurred) at BSA event (file)
Thousands of previously unpublished Boy Scouts of America files that detail suspected sexual abuse by employees and volunteers have been posted online.
The Los Angeles Times published the database containing redacted victims' names on Tuesday, including material that was released earlier by an Oregon Supreme Court judge's ruling. The names of the alleged abusers — including doctors, teachers, priests — are included.
The newspaper's heavily pocked database map depicts alleged incidents of abuse that affected, or in some way connected to, Scouts in every state in the nation, as well as South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
The Boy Scouts kept the files for internal use for nearly a century and have said they've improved youth protection policies. The group has conducted criminal background checks on volunteers since 2008. In 2010, the organization mandated any suspected abuse be reported to police.
In an analysis of the records, the Times found that reports increased over time, which may be the result of greater awareness of child sexual abuse. The reports are not believed to account for all abuse, because the Scouts say an unknown number of files were destroyed over the years and not all victims report crime.
The organization's inaction, and its efforts to keep allegations from police, parents and the public, allowed molesters to continue sexually abusing children, according to The Times.
The newly released files span from 1985 to 1991, and reveal that a Scouts committee chairman of four years, Samuel J. Becker of Canoga Park, had a record of child molestation, had served prison time and was on probation for exposing himself.
In another file, a Scoutmaster said he had reported suspicions of abuse about Scout Leader Gary L. Findlay of Illinois, but he was ignored by a superior. Findlay was later accused of abusing a 15-year-old in 1986, convicted of sexual abuse and expelled from the Scouts.
KTVU dug through the data and found at least 88 files involving Bay Area troop leaders from Santa Cruz all the way to Clearlake and Fort Bragg, each accused of sexual abuse.
Josh Solomon told KTVU Wednesday he was one of the sexual abuse victims.
He showed KTVU the Boy Scout uniform he wore when he was 12-years-old, merit badges sewn for learning how to canoe and cook, each also a symbol of his abuser.
"As little reminders, and they have my scout masters signature all over them,” Solomon said. “So it's hard to separate everything out."
Solomon said the abuse happened from 1982 to 1983.
He said Steven Kabeary, the scout leader for Troop 22 in Berkeley, would invite him into his tent and sexually molest him.
“He was a leader and he made sure you'd do things this way,” Solomon said. “He was gruff and you wanted his approval."
Solomon kept silent for more than 30 years and never told his family until now.
"Boys in particular pride themselves on being tough," he said.
Solomon learned he was not alone after reading about the Los Angeles Times investigation.
KTVU tried to contact the the Boy Scouts of America Wednesday night and the organization emailed back a response.
"In certain cases our response to these cases and efforts to protect youth were plainly insufficient, inappropriate or wrong and we extend our deepest apologies to victims and their families," The Boy Scouts of America said.
Solomon said he wants other victims to know they are not alone.
“It’s one of those secrets you don't have to keep inside you anymore,” he said.
Most of the files opened after 1991 haven't been released. Various pending lawsuits were seeking those files.