| Submissions Made for Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission Terms
Daily Examiner
December 21, 2012
Federal Attorney General Nicole Roxon.
MORE than 800 individuals and groups have made submissions as the Federal Government continues work on the make-up and terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said the terms of reference for the royal commission, which was announced in November, would be settled in January.
Ms Roxon said the royal commission would issue its first report within 18 months of beginning its work.
The report may include early recommendations, as well as the commission's recommendation for when the final report should be issued.
Ms Roxon also confirmed the government was considering a short-list of potential commissioners, with the appointments to be announced in the new year.
The commission will comprise between three and five commissioners with varying experience.