Live Chat with the Pm: Questions and Answers
Sydney Morning Herald
December 11, 2012
Prime Minister Julia Gillard responds to readers' questions on Facebook at Kirribilli House on Tuesday. Photo by Anthony Johnson |
This afternoon The Sydney Morning Herald hosted a live Facebook Q&A with Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
The questions to which the Prime Minister responded are below.
Question from Justin Luke Jack Reiss:
Prime Minister, when will the Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse of Children begin? Would the government be committed to establishing a secondary Royal Commission if the upcoming one is to uncover systemic Child sex abuse within the Catholic church.
Julia Gillard:
We will announce the terms of reference before the end of the year and the commission will get underway next year. The Royal Commission is about child sexual abuse in institutional contexts. It isn't aimed at any one institution.
Question from Glenn Bridge:
When are our soldiers coming home from Iraq?
Julia Gillard:
We have soldiers in Afghanistan. Their mission is an important one - to prevent Afghanistan being a place where terrorists can train. The bulk of our forces will come before the end of 2014. They are great men and women doing a tough job for our nation.
Question from Alexander Lucas:
Prime Minister. Hello, my name is Alex. I am 19 years old and I would like to know: What is being done to stop the bullying of Australian teenagers and young adults? I was bullied throughout high school, I left in year 12 because I could not take it anymore. Is your government doing anything to help by standers speak up? Also, I suffer from Aspergers syndrome and am often called names and made fun of. What will the NDIS do to help me as a young adult? How will I benefit? Thank You, Alex.
Julia Gillard:
Alex I am so sorry to hear about you being bullied at school. We are trying to make a difference to keep kids safe from bullying. We are working with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation on anti-bullying programs and working to help teachers have the skills and time to address bullying. The NDIS will be a new era for people with profound disabilities, giving more care, options and choices.
Question from Aimee Jade:
Julia, I want to enter into politics... Any tips? Being a woman in politics, do you find that it's much more difficult for people to take you serious, especially when up against your male counterparts.
Julia Gillard:
Aimee, my advice is find your passion - mine's education and opportunity - and never let anything stop you pursuing it.
Question from Steven Spink:
Ms Gillard, electricity prices have gone through the roof. My 75 year old widowed, pensioner father recently received a $900 quarterly power bill. That's almost 10% of his only income, the age pension. What is the Federal Government planning on doing to assist older Australians who just cannot afford these bills?
Julia Gillard:
Power bills have risen really steeply and paying them can be a really big pressure. As a government we have increased the pension to help with cost of living pressures. The Premiers last week endorsed my plan to change the electricity market so we don't see the continuation of the big cost drivers like 'gold plating' the poles and wires. And we certainly made sure pensioners ended up with more new money than any increase in power prices from carbon.
Question from Jennene Beale:
Prime Minister, What Cuts will there be in Aboriginal education funding or is there be a slim chance that they will be increased?
Julia Gillard:
Jennene we are increasing funding for education, including a focus on Aboriginal education. We've almost doubled the amount of money going to education and we are investing $5.2 billion in closing the gap in education, health, employment and life expectancy for Indigenous Australians.
Question from Dean Gale:
My partner and I are tired of all these tax cuts and bonuses for families. What about people without children.
Julia Gillard:
I think it is the right thing to do to help people with the cost of raising children. But if you earn less than $80,000 a year, you would have seen a tax cut from the 1st July.
Question from Vicki Batty:
The reforms described in the Gonksi report are long overdue. How can we get them delivered sooner?
Julia Gillard:
Vicki we've already made huge changes in educaton and invested new funds. I was at a school this morning that is benefitting from our national partnership money. We will be further reforming school funding and 2014 is the start year.
Question by Rachel Johns Grierson:
My question to you PM is about Asylum seekers. I understand that we need to deter people smugglers and unfortunately the only way that seems to send a message is to have offshore processing. But would you advocate a policy which stops the boats and starts the planes? And puts Asylum seekers into the homes of generous Australians after they have cleared security checks? We only take 20 000 at the moment? would you increase that to 30 000 if you won a second term? Many thanks
Julia Gillard:
20,000 is a big increase and we will be asking community members to help make welcome these genuine refugees. 20,000 is part of the Angus Houston plan to give people hope that if they don't pay a people smuggler then they can get a chance to settle in Australia.
Question by Dan McCarthy:
Prime Minister, I would be interested in your thoughts on the Western Bulldogs picking up Brett Goodes in the rookie draft - do you think they have erred by picking a 28 year old when there are so many talented young players around?
Julia Gillard:
Mmm - 28 doesn't seem that old to me! I think any one with the surname 'Goodes' is likely to be a huge talent.
Question by Carly Ellis:
Ms Gillard, thank you for this opportunity. Do you find that being the first woman to lead Australia, that you are paving the way for future female leaders? Also, loving the pearls and navy suits recently- any inspiration from Maggie Thatcher there?
Kind regards, Carly :)
Julia Gillard:
Carly, I like to think that I'm paving the way for a time when we will have women serve in leadership roles so routinely, no one even bothers to comment on hair or appearance any more. I hadn't really thought of Maggie as a fashion inspiration. But I'm glad you are 'loving the pearls and navy suits'. Wearing black and no pearls today though.
Question by a Bruce Springsteen fan page:
Prime Minister,
Will you be giving the Treasurer any time off so he can follow Bruce Springsteen around the country next March?
Julia Gillard:
March is a busy time for the Treasurer - he has to get the May Budget ready. But I bet you will find the Treasurer at a least one Springsteen concert. I might even join him!