| The Rise of American Power in the Curia
By Marco Tosatti
Vatican Insider
December 10, 2012
U.S. flags in St. Peter's Square
The Bishop of Phoenix, Olmsted, will soon be officially announced as the new Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life
he official announcement of the appointment of the Bishop of Phoenix (Arizona) Thomas J. Olmsted, as Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life is expected any day now. Olmsted should replace fellow American, Tobin, who occupied this delicate position for a very short period. Tobin heads the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Olmsted’s approach in the Congregation is expected to be far closer to the sensibilities of American bishops with regard to issue of the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious)’s rebellious stance towards Catholic bishops and the Holy See. The number of nuns in the United States dropped by over two thousand members in just one year, from 57.113 to 55.045.
Olmsted’s arrival will further strengthen the U.S.’s growing influence within the Catholic Church’s central government, the Assessor to the Secretariat of State, Peter Brian Wells, being the U.S.’ foremost point of reference.
This had been James Harvey’s role up until about a week ago when he was still Prefect of the Papal Household. Harvey was recently created cardinal and appointed archpriest of the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls. So a promotion and the biretta. But this removal from the Apostolic Palace may have been directly or indirectly linked to the case involving the Pope’s disloyal former butler.
Still, Harvey was for many years the American in the Curia, influencing nominations and transfers in the U.S. and beyond, particularly during the reign of John Paul II and thanks to his close-knit relations with the Pope’s secretary, Cardinal Stanislao Dziwisz. His influence dwindled with the arrival of Benedict XVI, although he did continue to cultivate and forge relationships (Cardinal Law lived in his house for several months when he arrived in Rome from Boston), until his recent promotion and his distancing to some extent from the heart of the Curia.
Meanwhile, Peter Brian Wells became a rising star. Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he received his Presbyterian ordination on 12 July 1991. He completed his Philosophy studies at San Meinrad Seminary College in Indiana and read Theology at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.
In 1990 he achieved the Baccalaureate in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University before obtaining a certificate in Theology Studies from the Pontifical Institute John Paul II for Studies on Marriage and Family in 1992.
In 1998 and 1999 he was awarded a certificate and PhD in Canonical Law from the Pontifical Gregorian University. At the same time he attended the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy which prepares cleric diplomats. After his work in the parish and diocese of Tulsa, he entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 1 July 1999, working in the Apostolic Nunciature in Nigeria and from 2002 onwards, in the Secretariat of State’s General Affairs section. Wells is essentially the number three man after Secretariat of State, Tarcisio Bertone and Substitute, Mgr. Angelo Becciu.
The number of Americans and English speaking figures who making headway in the Vatican is growing. A part from those who have functional roles, such as Cardinal Burke, the Secretary for Divine Worship, the Englishman, Roche, Mgr. Di Noia and until yesterday, Tobin, there are numerous others who are members of Congregations, influence decisions and choices and generally carry weight in the Curia. The former Prefect of Faith, Levada, and cardinals Stafford, Law, O’Brien, Rigalli… And according to Curia members, while Harvey only paid close attention to the high flyers among his fellow countrymen, Mgr. Wells cultivates all relations, he attends meetings, celebrations and events of all kinds if a member of the English speaking family is involved. The strong presence of English speaking clerics is also a sign of their growing importance within the Secretariat of State, with its leader, Cardinal Bertone , who looks increasingly detatched and its Substitute, Mgr. Becciu who has only been in his role for just over a year, after a cursus honorum developed mostly abroad.