| Release of Residential School Documents up to the Courts: Harper
By Kristy Kirkup
Sun News
December 6, 2012
Prime Minster Stephen Harper.
The courts can decide if documents related to Canada's residential schools can be released for a commission probing the dark legacy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper signalled Wednesday.
In recent documents filed to the Ontario Superior Court, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) suggested Ottawa was hampering the retrieval of documents related to its mandate.
After the government's historic residential school apology in the House of Commons in June 2008, the TRC was mandated to learn about the government assimilation program that lasted 130 years.
Sexual abuse was commonplace in residential schools.
"The commission is now seeking some documents, which the government believes are outside of its mandate ... for example personal records of survivors given in confidence to the government," Harper said. "The government is certainly willing to let the courts decide what is appropriate."
In February, the TRC released an interim report suggesting governments have had a "social-welfare" relationship with First Nations.