| 25 Signs of a Predatory Preacher
Sharon Johnson Fresh Oil Ministries
November 29, 2012
[with video]
A man or woman who claims to be a follower and messenger of Jesus Christ who uses false doctrines and traditions to seduce, manipulate and control their followers. Their primary goal is money, materialism, control and fame:
They will use ‘scare’ tactics regarding tithes and offerings, and if you leave their church, they will tell you and others that you are under a curse.
Carry themselves like celebrities, rather than servants insisting on being called by a lofty title ~ Dr. Bishop, Elder, The Most Reverend, Prophetess, Chief Apostle. Make sure to read my Blog, "The Great "TITLE" Wave."
Materialistic, boastful, and flaunts extravagant lifestyle while regarding their wives as ‘first lady’ of the church.
Allow provocatively dressed women to teach, usher, sing on praise teams and lead in the church.
Rarely, if ever, talks about sin or hell, makes light of sin when they do. Jesus is hardly ever mentioned, but rather GOD. Usually, they are very charismatic and GREAT speakers ~ Very Eloquent in speech.
Will allow visiting preachers to run ‘money lines’ claiming God told them that people in the congregation has certain amounts of money to give too them.
They NEVER give money or “MEANINGFUL” gifts to the ENTIRE congregation, maybe ~ during the Holidays, some generic food or a basket of fruit (all donated), while constantly badgering their churches members to give their best, but they do not!
There is no meaningful, consistent ministry to the poor in their churches.
Insist that their followers come to them for permission to go and minister at another church or fellowship.
They are controlling, dominating with bad attitudes: mean, moody and manipulative!
Over emphasis on submission to their leadership and ‘their’ vision. Sometimes referred to as ‘The Vision of the House.’
Over emphasis on earthly destiny, rather than eternal destiny. Success, success, success – Go get yours! This is their constant message so you can bring your your success money back to them, great motivators, rather than revelators of Jesus Christ.
They are not easily accessible, usually escorted to their pulpits with an entourage after making grand entrances.
Dogmatic about church membership and covenants, badgering congregation about church attendance.
Dogmatic about church order, and having authority over the earth, insinuating that members are gods.
Dogmatic about ‘sowing’ seeds for your needs - Money, Money, Money!
Will tell you what their family needs are, but ignore yours.
Insist that visiting other churches is dangerous ~ They don’t want to risk you taking your money somewhere else. Mind control and fear tactics is their specialty!
Will often have less fortunate members of the congregation give a testimony of what "they" have done for them financially.
Keeps the congregation aware of their personal lives; famous people they know; where they travel, and all that they are achieving personally. Will often tell you how ‘Blessed’ they are “materially.”
Refer to their congregations as ‘their’ children, constantly counting them and bragging on numbers.
Attempts to take over their cities with church buildings East, North, South & West (extreme poverty, and homelessness in each of them).
They love expensive, pompous ceremonies to parade themselves demanding attention and honor with robes, collars and other clergy attire to show off who "they say" they are - Jesus did not! Insecure, glory seekers they are.
Make show of their community giving, love to make radio announcements, this is their smoke screen that deceives many who are fooled by their trickery, they collect millions and only give away $20,000 a year, maybe!
Refer those in financial hardship to public agencies for financial relief and assistance, this would include faithful tither's and financial givers in their congregations.