| Queensland's Child Safety Department Could Be Called on to Participate in Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission
By Korin Helbig, Renee Viellaris
The Courier-Mail
November 27, 2012
NO CHANGE: Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie. Picture: Peter Wallis Source: The Courier-Mail
A STATE department charged with protecting Queensland children could be called on to give evidence at the Gillard Government's royal commission into child sex abuse.
The Commonwealth has confirmed Queensland's Child Safety Department could be asked to "participate" in the major inquiry.
Federal Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has stressed co-operation would be "paramount".
Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie has promised full access to key documents and staff.
But he did not rule out seeking protection from prosecution for Child Safety officers, saying indemnity would be determined on a "case by case basis according to the details of the incident".
It came as the Newman Government yesterday dug in its heels and refused to bow to a grieving mother by changing its own inquiry's terms of reference to allow her case to be reviewed.
The woman, who is suing the state's Child Safety Department, is not permitted to have her case examined by Queensland's Child Protection Commission of Inquiry because all matters before courts are outside its terms of reference.
The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has alleged her former foster child raped her biological son, who was eight years old at the time.
Both Mr Bleijie and Child Safety Minister Tracy Davis yesterday issued an almost identical one-line response to questions by The Courier-Mail.
"The Government has no intention of changing the terms of reference for the current Commission of Inquiry," it read.
The Newman Government also failed to meet yesterday's deadline for submissions on the Commonwealth's royal commission terms of reference.
Mr Bleijie said the State would make a submission but first wanted "more information" from Ms Roxon.
He baulked at suggestions the commission could be jointly established between state and federal governments, which has happened historically.
Mr Bleijie said Queensland would resist any push to cough up cash for what is likely to be a costly commission.
"The Newman Government will fully co-operate with the royal commission but has no intention of contributing to the cost," he said.
Mr Bleijie said he had written to Ms Roxon demanding the Commonwealth's terms of reference did not hamper the work of Queensland's inquiry.
Ms Roxon yesterday told Federal Parliament her Government had received "detailed comments" in 33 submissions and 270 emails, although most have not yet been made public.