| Weberman Rape Trial Begins
Failed Mesiah
November 26, 2012
Rabbi Nechemya Weberman closeup smileThe trial of accused Williamsburg rapist Nechemya Weberman has begun. And there is some interesting news.
Rabbi Nechemya Weberman
As the trial of accused Williamsburg rapist Nechemya Weberman began this morning, there was a bit of good news.
Weberman allegedly raped and sexually abused a young hasidic girl who was sent to him for counseling. The rapes and abuse allegedly began when she was 12-years-old and ended when she was 15.
Weberman's supporters have been very vocal in support of Weberman, filling a wedding hall with more than 1000 supporters for a fundraiser for him and demonizing the alleged victim (who is now 18-years-old).
Four Weberman supporters were later arrested and charged with witness intimidation, obstruction of justice and extortion after trying to bribe the girl's fiancee in an attempt to get the girl to flee the country and not testify against Weberman.
And in the courtroom today, George Farkas, an attorney for Weberman, told the court that the alleged victim ""wants to bring down this community which she hates" as he launched into a statement meant to demonize her.
So what is today's good news?
Supporters of the alleged victim who are in the courtroom this morning tell me that about five hasidim are in court supporting Weberman, but about 40 to 45 victims advocates, friends and abuse survivors are in court supporting the alleged victim – the first time in any part of this case where the Williamsburg hasidic machine has been clearly outnumbered.