| Child Sexual Abuse ...
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November 19, 2012
Openly revealing child sexual abuse and their abuser's techniques of seduction in all organizations (churches, schools, clubs, neighborhoods), can reduce parents' naivety and children's vulnerability to being molested.
[with video]
Child Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests, Athletic Coaches, Teachers, Family Members & Neighbors on Dr. Carol Francis Radio Talk Show for Sexual Abuse Awareness Event
Author James Dunlap's newest novel MILLSTONE depicts the grooming of children by authorities such as Catholic Priests and Athletic Coaches for chronic sexual abuse. Dunlap's novel, based on true events, bravely cracks the barrier of cover-ups which enable sex-offenders to be sheltered. On the Dr. Carol Francis Radio Talk Show, Author Dunlap is joined by Joelle Casteix and Officer Tom Townsend. Casteix is the leading national spokesperson for victims of child sexual abuse and the Western Regional Director for SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. Former police officer Tom Townsend served as an investigator on several child sexual abuse case. Show live and podcast at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dr-carol-francis/2012/11/19/child-sexual-abuse-by-priests-coaches-teachers-neighbors.
Child Sexual Abuse Awareness events kicks off November 24 with Author James Dunlap's newest action novel, MILLSTONE. Dr. Carol Francis interviews Dunlap about the facts and events upon which his novel was based. Catholic Priests seducing children for sexual activities is revolting as is the news that Athletic Coach Sandusky groomed children at his summer sports camps. This radio show is live and podcast at [http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dr-carol-francis/2012/11/19/child-sexual-abuse-by-priests-coaches-teachers-neighbors.. Call-ins for show is (626) 414-3510.
Sexual Abuse Awareness Week-begins November 26, 2012. Dr. Carol Francis explains, "Child Sexual Abuse is nothing new. It remains horrifically part of our "enlightened society." Whenever children innocently and vunlerably need adult attention, opportunistic adults may "groom" children in their care to become unwilling, manipulated sexual partners. Parents need to remain alert especially when childcare or extra-curricular activities afford adult sexual predators access to lure clueless, trusting children into private locations."
James R Dunlap, author of Millstone, a thrilling, fast paced, important novel about child sexual abuse, is a parent himself riveted with the damage his son suffered at the hands of a Catholic priest around 1973.
During Sexual Abuse Awareness Week, November 26, 2012, James Dunlap and dedicated supporters release Millstone (The Novel) to reveal these sexual predators and to save children from becoming their next victims.
Joelle Casteix joins the program today also as the leading national spokesperson, writer, and advocate for victims of child sexual abuse. She is also the Western Regional Director for SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
Former police officer Tom Townsend joins the show as well. Having investigated several sexual abuse cases in his career and knowing the impact it has on children even as they grow into adults, Tom Townsend takes every opportunity he can to help prevent it and educate all children to speak out, reveal their abusers and seek help.
Dr. Carol Francis, as Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Marriage, Family & Child Therapist and Counselor also has worked with many sexually abused children, their woefully pained parents, and adult survivors of sexual abuse since 1977. Dr. Carol Francis, radio host since 2008, and television host, is eager to shed light on a topic that hides behind the curtains of secret alliances in organizations or behind the veils of threats, fears and shame. Dr. Carol Francis can be reached for comments or questions at 310-543-1824; Facebook: DrCarolFrancis and Q">[drcarolfrancis.com. Individuals wishing to make a comment for this radio program can do so at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Carol-Francis-Show/139112496102166