| Rocky Bishop Welcomes Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission
By Kerri-Anne Mesner
The Morning Bulletin
November 15, 2012
SUPPORTIVE: Bishop Brian Heenan supports the announcement of a nation-wide royal commission into child abuse.
THE royal commission into child sex abuse, announced by Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Monday, should look at two points - the abuse and how much has been done to support victims.
This is what Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Rockhampton Brian Heenan said yesterday.
"There is so much pain and confusion around the practice of sexual abuse across all society in Australia," he said.
"It (the commission) should bring clarity to this confused situation."
Bishop Heenan, who supports the commission and has experience supporting child abuse victims of a former Rockhampton Catholic priest (here in the 1960s), said the Catholic Church felt terribly ashamed about what had happened.
"There's no point in denying it," he said.
Bishop Heenan said the victims needed an apology, support and counselling.
He said the abuse needed to be detailed with honesty and expected the royal commission to take years.
"There are so many people that will want to be heard," Bishop Heenan said.
While the Catholic Church has long been under pressure on the issue, the Royal Commission will not be restricted to any one church or religious institution.
Ms Gillard said private schools, churches, children in state care, and possibly even state government-owned schools could be investigated.
She said child abuse was a "vile and evil thing", adding the inquiry would also investigate bystanders to abuse who did nothing to prevent it.
Ms Gillard said the official terms of reference would not be confirmed until later this year.
A commissioner has also yet to be decided.