| Commission Should Review 'All Forms of Abuse'
ABC News
November 14, 2012
ACT Public Advocate Anita Phillips says the Royal Commission should cover government-run institutions and the abuse of women.
The ACT Public Advocate says the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into sexual abuse should be broadened to include emotional abuse.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced a wide-ranging inquiry will investigate child abuse in institutions such as schools, churches and foster homes.
The terms of reference are yet to be announced, but Public Advocate Anita Phillips says it should cover government-run institutions and the abuse of women.
"Many of them, whether they were in single-mothers homes, or young women in organisations run by nuns, they were subjected to physical and emotional abuse," she said.
Ms Phillips says it is important all forms of abuse be considered."The sexual abuse is of course paramount," she said.
"But many of these young people, particularly girls, were subjected to physical and even emotional abuse which has left them with life-long scarring, and is very significant in their healing process."