| Priest Who Treats Abusers Talks Facts & Fantasy to Himself
What They Knew
October 29, 2012
Msgr Rossetti knows how many Jesuits he has met that want to stop sex abuse 4 thats all.
Jesuits know its time to catch up on their sleep when Msgr Rossetti speaks.
[with video]
[with pdf]
Msgr Stephen Rossetti spoke behind closed doors in February 2012 at the Gregorian University Conference on Clergy Sex Abuse at the Vatican.
Below is his speech, it is worth reading when compared to what the Jesuit intellects said in our previous post. It warrants even more comparison to what Msgr Rossetti says now. But then again, Msgr Rossetti is not a Jesuit, he just cleans up their mess and treats them.
But did anyone listen?
Some significant points stated in the speech:
-There is a complicated web of competing demands- pastoral, legal, clinical, and public relationswhich can confuse, confound and even paralyze. It is publicly well known that, at times, in ourresponding, we have failed.
-Our mistake was that we forgot that the victims are part of our flock too.Unfortunately, when we focus on perpetrators and not on victims, there are devastatingconsequences. Perpetrators almost universally minimize, rationalize, project blame and deny thetruth about their crimes. It is difficult for them to face the truth about their behavior; a behaviorwhich Pope Benedict, on several occasions, has rightly called, filth.
-But decades of experiencetell us that the vast majority of allegations, over 95 percent, are founded. There is little benefit,and much to be lost, for a person to come forward and to allege that he or she was sexuallymolested by a priest. It takes courage to do so and a willingness to suffer blame and ridicule.
-[H]e will blame the victim, saying that the child wasoming on to him, trying to seduce him. And if one victim surfaces, it is likely that there are more.
-A Victims First policy. Every investigation should begin with listening tothe victim. The victim, not the perpetrator, ought to be the first focus of the Churchs attention.
-Child sexual abuse has always been a scourge in our society and in our Church. Simplyread Canon 71 from the Council of Elvira (c. 306 AD). It says, Those who sexually abuse boysmany not commune even when death approaches. Apparently there was enough sexual abuse ofboys in Spain 1,700 years ago to warrant a canon against it. Child sexual abuse is not a newphenomenon.
-Sexual abuse is a horror that remains hidden and it, like all evil, thrives in thedark. Healing only begins when it is exposed to the light.
-Any denial of the frequent sexual molestation of minors around the globe is an echo ofthe very denial perpetrators use to keep their evil hidden. When we fail to expose this evil to thelight of day, it continues secretly to pollute the Church from within.
-There has never been, nor will there ever be, a psychological treatment regimen for theperpetrators of child sexual abuse, or any pathology for that matter, which is 100% effective.This is not the nature of psychology or the world in which we live. There is always some chanceof relapse.In the clinical program where I worked, of the 339 priests who were treated for sexuallymolesting minors, (only including those who have been discharged for at least five years), 21relapsed, that is 6.2%. Those results were so strong because the program had an intensive, longtermtreatment, relatively high-functioning clients, an excellent staff, and an extensive multi-yearfollow-up program that included supervision. But even this program was not 100% effective.
-There was a time when Churchleaders, often with the cooperation of civil authorities, shielded priests from civil laws.
-Catholic priests ought not to be shielded from answering for theircrimes, whether it is the stealing of monies from their Churches or the sexual abuse of a minor, or any violation of civil law for that matter. When a priest has been accused of a civil crime, it isthe role of the civil authorities to investigate the crime and to apply just punishments.
-We can forgive the priest and not reassign him. For example, while weforgive a man who has a history of robbing banks, it would be imprudent to make him a bankteller. No, we forgive the man but we keep him away from handling other peoples money.
-I must alert you that there is a small group of high risk offenders who are particularlydangerous men. They have molested scores, perhaps hundreds, of children.iii This type ofoffender does not normally respond to treatment and will most probably offend again, if giventhe chance. While the minority, these high risk offenders must be identified and kept under thehighest level of supervision.
-Churchleaders ought to refer all allegations of child sexual abuse to civil authorities.
-Moreover, the culturalclimate of sexual expression of the so-called sexual revolution of the 1960s likely contributedas well.Simply put, we took a group of men with deviant sexual problems and put them in anenvironment which not only did not sufficiently condemn and punish the sexual abuse of minors,but actually loosely promoted sexual expression.
- There are many different kinds of offenders. Some are highly narcissisticand use people to gratify their own needs. Others are hyper-sexual and will be sexually involvedwith many different kinds of people. Some are classic pedophiles who sexually prefer prepubescentchildren. Others rape children thinking it will cure their HIV/AIDS.
- First, most childabusers in the world are not homosexual and most homosexuals do not molest minors
- For example, recently a priest was found to have taken hundreds of pictures of children,spent excessive amounts of time with them, had children sitting in his lap and reaching into hispockets, and even had little girls underwear in his apartment. But when the diocese received aformal complaint, it responded slowly and ineffectively. Eventually the priest was arrested forpossession of child pornography.
- All the signs were present that this man likely had deviantsexual interests and that minors were at risk or were being abused. People formally complainedand yet Church leaders were slow to respond.We are responsible for protecting children. This not only includes dealing withallegations of child sexual abuse swiftly and effectively, but also recognizing the warning signs,the red flags.
As with most research the truly important information is hidden in the footnotes:
i In a 2011 unpublished study by Saint Luke Institute of 91 priests who have sexually molested minors, only 14% or13 offenders reported having only one victim. 47% reported having five victims or more. The modal number ofvictims for this sample was four.
iii In the previously cited study of 91 offenders at Saint Luke Institute, 10% (9 out of 91) reported having 30 victimsor more. One reported 500 victims; two reported 100 victims, one reported 50, one reported 40, one reported 35and 3 reported 35 victims.
500 children by one priest we can also assume that Msgr. Rossettis number are self-reporting, basically what the abuser priests would admit to their treatment team. Given his other comments about abusers minimizing their crimes those numbers could be higher?
We truly wanted to point out the good things Msgr. Rossetti said earlier this year. But now Msgr Rossetti says something completely different in the Washington Post on 26 October 2012.
In a little over 8 months Msgr Rossetti seems to have changed his mind completely. Just compare what he said with what he says now.
Similarly, since the late 1970s, abuse by Catholic clergy has plummeted from 4 percent to less than 1 percent.
Mirroring these aggressive efforts has been the remarkable turnaround in the Catholic Church with it currently having one of the most extensive, comprehensive child protection programs in the country.
I recall being at thebishops meeting in Dallas 2002when the clergy sexual abuse crisis was at its zenith.In this intense environment, American public sentiment sent a clear message to the bishops, Get rid of them. And they did. A few hundred were immediately dismissed and more followed.
Oh really? Thats surprising. We guess Msgr Rossetti hasnt been reading What They Knew? Maybe he needs to see some more example of credibly accused sex abusers still living and working as priests around the world as we speak, unsupervised?
But incarceration is only a limited and temporary solution.
Recently a known lay offender wanted to attend Catholic services. He could never work or volunteer in the Catholic Church, which now criminally screens all employees and volunteers and provides mandatory training in child protection. No known child molesters are allowed to serve. But can they sit in the pews and worship alongside our families? The temptation is to say, You can worship, but not here. But children are present in virtually all churches. Churches typically do not close their doors to anyone. All are welcome, saints and sinners alike.
Given his call for pedophiles to come home we assume Msgr Rossetti doesnt want victims to come back to church?
The majority of child molesters can live safely in our communities only if they are supervised, not allowed relationships with minors, and aided in living good lives, including finding meaningful work and a church to worship.
What happened to there has never been, nor will there ever be, a psychological treatment regimen for theperpetrators of child sexual abuse?
How a people protects its vulnerable, the children, is a measure of its spirit. How it cares for the most despised in its midst is a measure of its soul. In the case of the perpetrators of child sexual abuse, when they are supervised and living a safe, well life, we are caring for our children and for our soul.
What happened to while weforgive a man who has a history of robbing banks, it would be imprudent to make him a bankteller. No, we forgive the man but we keep him away from handling other peoples money.
Are mental gymnastics exhausting? You bet. We went from failure to resounding success, incurable to healed and punishment to forgiveness. So what is true? We dont really know anymore where Msgr Rossetti is on these issues. The only thing that he said that seems true is that this complex issue has left him confused, confounded and even paralyzed.
Soon we will all know what Msgr. Rossetti told the Jesuits about Donald McGuire SJ in 1993 when he treated and diagnosed the Jesuit child sex abuser.
WWJD? or What Will the Jesuits Do?
Pink Floyd sing Wish You Were Here
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skiesfrom pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
Were just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.