| Blasting Child Rape Victims Is Cruel Tactic
Stop Baptist Predators
October 22, 2012
Jerry Sandusky
Sandusky, the former Penn State coach convicted of molesting children, blasted his accusers as “opportunistic.”
Page, the current chief executive of the Southern Baptist Convention, blasted support groups for clergy molestation victims as “opportunistic.”
One man blasted child molestation victims in an apparent effort to undermine their credibility so as to salvage some shred of his own reputation, despite the overwhelming evidence against him.
?Frank Page
The other man blasted child molestation victims in an apparent effort to undermine their credibility so as to preserve the reputation of the Southern Baptist Convention, despite the overwhelming number of Baptist clergy abuse and cover-up cases.
What does it say about the nation's largest Protestant denomination when their highest official blasts clergy rape victims with the same cruel language as a convicted child molester?
And Page has never bothered to apologize.
With this sort of example at the denomination’s highest level, is it any wonder that Southern Baptists are so far behind the curve in protecting church children against predatory preachers?