| Rev. Danny Hollins of Greater Fairview Baptist Church Steps down Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations
October 18, 2012
A Jackson minister has temporarily stepped down as pastor of his church amid allegations of sexual misconduct with a teen girl.
There are reports that Rev. Danny Hollins of Greater Fairview Baptist Church is being investigated by the Jackson Police Department involving the girl.
Hollins, who is married and they have two daughters, has been pastor of Greater Fairview since 2001.
Hollins hasn’t been charged with any crime.
Hollins’s attorney, Precious Martin, said the allegations are untrue.
"We vehemently deny any and all allegations. I will work to prove these allegations are untrue and are completely discredited. I will use all legal means at my disposal to uncover the source of these scandalous allegations and appropriate measures will be taken,” Martin said.
Danny Hollins / greaterfairview.org screenshot