| Pope Summons All Nuncios to Rome
Vatican Insider
October 17, 2012
Cardinal Bertone
A meeting with all papal representatives across the world is to be held next June in Rome
The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone announced this during his speech at the Synod on the new evangelisation that is currently taking place in the Vatican. The cardinal explained that the meeting is one of the initiatives planned for the Year of Faith and was inspired by a similar gathering held in the year 2000 on the occasion of the Jubilee.
In agreement with the Episcopates, the Holy See uses "instruments of diplomatic dialogue with civil authorities," to ensure that its action "is not aimed at guaranteeing anachronistic privileges but guaranteeing the Church as much freedom in internal government and in the exercise of its mission, to which it lays legitimate claim as possible. When this freedom exists, it also benefits members of other religious faiths and fosters social harmony," Bertone told Synod Fathers.
Apostolic Nuncios are above all Catholic bishops, the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, recalled this in his speech at the Synod. The Apostolic Nuncios who represent the Holy See in 179 countries that have diplomatic relations with the Vatican, but also those who represent it at the European Union, in the Palestinian National Authority, the Order of Mata, at the UN (in New York and Geneva), the OSCE, UNESCO, FAO and other international or regional organisations, such as the Arab League and the African Union, "are aware of the direct responsibility they have as members of the College of Bishops and in announcing the Gospel and promoting the New Evangelisation."