| 'Forgotten Australians' Call for Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse
By Chris Peterson
Green Left
October 16, 2012
Rally for Forgotten Australian's, October 13
Members of the Forgotten Australians rallied in Melbourne on October 13 to demand a Royal Commission into the sexual abuse, emotional and criminal assault, and torture of children in church and government-run homes, orphanages and foster care homes. The term Forgotten Australian refers to children who were placed in care outside of their family home during the 20th century.
The Australian Mental Health Human Rights and Law Reform Coalition's Greg Oke said: "The aim of today is to highlight the lack of resources provided to Forgotten Australians to get some justice for the absolutely hideous crimes that were committed while under state care.
"Many Forgotten Australians are still living in appalling housing conditions. Many are still suffering from disabilities and traumas inflicted on them by the institutionalised and systemic abuse while under the care of the church and the state. So far nothing has been put in place to help these survivors improve their quality of life."
Indigenous rights activist Kelvin Onus-King said: "This is the first time many of these survivors have taken part in a political protest. These people were subject to torture including medical experiments without their consent. Successive governments failed in their duty of care and provide adequate resources to achieve redress and justice."