Child Porn Charges Added to St. Paul Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing Brothers

By Mike Durkin
October 9, 2012

ST. PAUL, Minn. (KMSP) -

Additional charges of child pornography have been filed against a former St. Paul priest accused of sexually abusing two young brothers.

Curtis Carl Wehmeyer, 48, has been charged in Ramsey County with 15 counts of possession of child pornography. Those charges come on top of second and fifth-degree criminal sexual conduct charges filed last month for the alleged sexual abuse of two boys who were part of Blessed Sacrament Catholic parish in St. Paul.

Wehmeyer will make his first appearance on all charges Wednesday afternoon in Ramsey District Court.

According to the criminal complaint, a search warrant was executed on the rectory of the church as part of the sexual abuse investigation. After conducting a forensic exam on a seized laptop, investigators found a number of "still images and video clips depicting sex acts involving prepubescent males".

"As the parish priest for this family, the defendant betrayed a sacred trust and forever marred the innocence of two young victims," said Ramsey County Attorney John Choi. "We will pursue justice for the family as well as and the community."

St. Paul Police encourage anyone who believes they may be a victim of sex abuse to contact them at 651-266-8685.








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