| Wife: 'End Times' Pastor Ruled by Sex
By Susan Spencer
Telegram & Gazette
October 6, 2012
Beth Stanley
[with video]
UXBRIDGE — A pastor's wife has won a year-long restraining order against her husband after claiming her husband abused her and had welcomed young women into her home for sex.
Dennis Stanley, reached by phone yesterday, said, "She's (my wife) obviously trying to make me look like a moron."
He said the groups of young women were just a gathering after church.
"There's nothing sexual or whatever the accusations might be. It's just friendships. Just friends."
Dennis Stanley said that the women were invited to stay at the house because, "I own the house and I let whoever I want stay there."
Dennis and his brother David H. Stanley, both of Uxbridge, were in Uxbridge District Court Friday morning on charges stemming from a one-hour standoff with police Monday night regarding an alleged violation of a restraining order.
Police tried to serve a restraining order to Dennis Stanley Monday night, but he refused to take the court document. Police said he and his brother David allegedly locked themselves in the house. David later left through a rear door and Dennis remained inside. Police said people began arriving and gathered around David.
"David was yelling comments about not bowing to men, banishing the demons, in the power of Jesus Christ, not believe in the law of man, and that he did not recognize our authority," police wrote in their report of the incident.
Police from several area towns converged on the home during the standoff.
Dennis Stanley was later handcuffed, arrested and charged with violating an abuse prevention order and resisting arrest. His brother, David, was also charged with violating an abuse prevention order, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace.
Then on Tuesday, police escorted Mrs. Stanley to the home to regain custody of the house and to remove, for trespassing, up to 10 other people who were living at the house. Police could see several young women dancing in the kitchen, police said. They reportedly laughed at the officer's requests to be let them in and turned up the music louder.
One of the women screamed at police, "You don't have a right to be here" and "You are not my master." She also scratched a police officer. Police cleared the house and issued trespass notices to seven young women ages 16 to 19.
The Stanley brothers, who own Driveways Corp. paving company, founded the Church of the End Times in 2006 and serve as pastors of the Christian church. Their videos on YouTube show "Pastor David" conducting exorcisms.
After yesterday's court appearance, Mrs. Stanley said, "He's listening to his brother (David). He wants to live the life of 10 women, being a rock star."
She added, "He made it like a control issue," referring to the allegation that her husband was having sex with the young women.
"Then he talked to God and God told him we're not to be together. It's all lies. It ruined my marriage."
As for her brother-in-law, Mrs. Stanley said David thinks he's the Archangel Michael and that Dennis thinks he's a new "half-breed" angel.
Even the Stanley brothers' mother is critical of the how the church has evolved recently. Andrea Gault of Rutland, mother of the brothers, said they came from a decent, normal family.
The Church of the End Times was originally "just grace and Jesus," she said. But since two or three years ago, "The church right now is not a church. It's just a crazy, crazy place," Ms. Gault said.
"The only thing I can think of (that caused the change) is maybe steroids," she said. The sons worked out a lot and Ms. Gault said she believed they took the muscle-enhancing drugs.
David Stanley, who was charged with disturbing the peace along with resisting arrest and violating an abuse prevention order, said he did not cause a standoff with police, but was simply praying. When asked by a reporter if the Church of the End Times was a cult, he denied it.
"What I've got going is the word of God," he said.
David Stanley's case was continued until Oct. 16.
Meanwhile, neighbors on Murphy's Way, a cul-de-sac of half-million-dollar homes in South Uxbridge, have said David and Dennis Stanley have terrorized the neighborhood for years and that in the last few years it's gotten more "bizarre."
"It's awful. We can't stand having them as neighbors. They'll do anything they feel like doing," said Susan Dalpe, who lives across the street from both of the Stanleys' houses.
Mrs. Dalpe said the Stanleys shoot off big fireworks in the summer and ride around the neighborhood and retention pond with all-terrain vehicles, often with young children who are not wearing protective gear or helmets.
Mrs. Dalpe, who is retired, said she and her husband can't enjoy the garden they spend much time tending because, in addition to the recreational vehicles tearing around the neighborhood, there's a stream of cars — many with young women — coming to David or Dennis Stanley's house.
"I'll point blank say — it's a cult," Mrs. Dalpe said about the Church of the End Times.
"There's really never any real message. When they're … sort of praying, they'll use these vulgarities."
Mrs. Dalpe said the police cruise by or are called to the neighborhood at least three times a week.
"I do call the police often, because I'm not letting up," she said.
Calls to police for comment were not returned.
After police arrested Dennis and David Monday night, Mrs. Dalpe said the group of church followers that had gathered outside Dennis Stanley's house had an exorcism right there outside.
"This girl was arching her back… and shaking," Mrs. Dalpe said. "She did that for at least 10 to 15 minutes. And then they all laughed. They thought it was great."
Mrs. Dalpe said she feared the Stanley brothers because she was never sure what they would do and she was afraid their property would be robbed.
She said Courtney Bish, 20, one of the women recently arrested for breaking and entering and burglary in Sutton Sept. 10, is the daughter of Vernon Bish, who is considered "number three" in The Church of the End Times, after David Stanley, number one, and Dennis Stanley, number two.
Two women recently arrested with stolen jewelry, cellphones and prescription drugs and whom police tied to at least eight to 10 burglaries in the area listed their address as the Church of the End Times/Driveway Corp. Ms. Bish and another woman reported they lived at the 19 Industrial Drive address.
A Driveways Corp. car parked on Murphy's Way had "I am #4" written in script on the side door.
Contact: susan.spencer@telegram.com