| Convicted Jesuit Abuser Writes to Pope
What They Knew
October 3, 2012
Pope Benedict knows who his Jesuit friends are.
Mug Shot: Inmate 00499235 knows who his friends were.
[with video]
[with pdf]
Given our previous post publishing the Christmas card sent by Pope Benedict in December 2006 to Donald McGuire SJ in prison after his conviction for child molestation, WTK thinks it's only appropriate to show you what the Pope got from the Jesuit sex abuse and priest Donald McGuire SJ who was first convicted in a public trial by jury in February 2006. It was widely known HERE.
So there is no confusion as to what Pope Benedict knew, below is the letter he received from Donald McGuire SJ or Registered Sex Offender/Inmate 00499325 (link to Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry) for 944.11: Indecent Behavior with a Child, Conviction Date 02/23/2006. The letter and the card pretty much tell you everything anyone, including his friend the Pope, would need to know.
We wonder how many victims have been "blessed" by His Holiness with a Christmas card or even a sincere acknowledgment?
Stop your messin' around
Better think of your future
Time you straightened right out
Creatin' problems in town
Rudy, a message to you
Rudy, a message to you
Stop your foolin' around
Time you straightened right out
Better think of your future
Or else you'll wind up in jail
Rudy, a message to you