| After SNAP Flouts Repeated Court Orders to Turn over Documents, Lawyers Forced to File for Contempt Citation
By Dave Pierre
Media Report
September 28, 2012
[Click to read the court documents]
"Do As I Say, Not As I Do": SNAP's David Clohessy scorns a court order
Since David Clohessy, the National Director of SNAP, has repeatedly flaunted judges' orders to produce documents related to an important Missouri abuse case, lawyers for an accused Catholic priest have requested that the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri, hold SNAP and Clohessy "in contempt of Court."
Lawyers for the accused priest have repeatedly requested that SNAP and Clohessy produce documents that they possess related to cases involving the discredited theory of "repressed memory," as the bogus theory plays an important role in their current case.
After displaying a timeline of events supporting their motion, the lawyers add that SNAP and Clohessy have repeatedly sought writs in the Missouri Court of Appeals and Supreme Court to oppose court orders and have repeatedly been denied. The lawyers then declare, "SNAP and Clohessy have failed to comply with every Court-ordered deadline for discovery."
(Important note: Contrary to the repeated claims by SNAP, Clohessy, and Church bashers, these lawyers do not seek victims' names or identities. They respect these individuals' privacy and agree with the redactions of their names.)
Clear hypocrisy
Clohessy and other leaders at SNAP have repeatedly railed against the Catholic Church when dioceses and/or bishops have lawfully appealed orders against them in courts of law. However, unlike SNAP, Church officials have always obeyed any orders that have reached the ends of their appeals.
Yet here is a crystal-clear case of Clohessy and SNAP picking-and-choosing which court orders they wish to obey and then breaking out their full panoply to avoid judges' lawful orders.
Hypocrisy? Absolutely.
Stay tuned.