| Running Wild in the Streets – Robert Wild Sj
What They Knew
September 27, 2012
[with video]
As the video report above shows, Robert Wild SJ knew when to leave a party before the cops showed up. Wild, “The Pied Piper of Marquette” knew how to run the funding circuit back in the good days when child sex abuse was kept quite in the Chicago Province. He could tell a joke or wipe a tear away with one hand and pick your pockets with the other.
Wild, as President of Marquette University came in to rescue his good friend Donald McGuire SJ and his legal team when their circus came to town for McGuire’s first criminal trial. He even greeted attendees and sat through most of the show…
Even at his advanced age the shifty “carnival barker” Bob Wild SJ still knows how to rob the rich like no other Jesuit around. As this September 19th press release from the Chicago Province points out:
The Chicago-Detroit and Wisconsin provincials have appointed Fr. Robert Wild, SJ, special assistant for advancement for both provinces. He brings to the role a wide range of prior experience as provincial of the Chicago Province; president of Weston Jesuit School of Theology; and, most recently, president of Marquette University. “I’m honored to help the provinces work together to serve our 12-state region, which includes 6 universities, 19 high schools, 12 parishes and missions, 8 retreat ministries, and many works that serve those in need,” says Fr. Wild.
Robert Wild SJ knew when to run
Bob Wild SJ… who wouldn’t want to have a snifter of brandy next to the fire with him?
In Honor of Robert Wild SJ’s “promotion” (it beats being in jail) we here at WhatTheyKnew.com have decided to dedicate the next month to Robert Wild SJ. On top of bringing you the latest in Jesuit criminal behavior across the globe, we are going to do a weekly feature detailing the documents and evidence that implicate Robert Wild SJ in the cover-up and concealment of decades of child sexual abuse by the Jesuit priests under his command. Beyond even Donald McGuire SJ, we have countless documents that point to many abusers (Powell, Skiffington, Reuter and more) protected under Fr. Robert Wild’s regime. Subscribe on the right or check back often to keep up on the story.
Hopefully for the Jesuits, benefactors will not check Wild’s reputation out here before handing over any large checks. But I guess in desperate times they have to let Wild run the streets to hustle coin.
Interestingly enough William Farrington SJ, who has been publicly accused this month in California, and suspended from ministry since 2002 according to the Jesuits, was also listed as Advancement Associate in 2009, HERE, by the California Province of the Society of Jesus. I guess children don’t go to fund-raisers? Or maybe people who write Jesuits checks don’t care about children being sexual abused? We don’t know…
Donald McGuire SJ loved his time with Bob Wild SJ, so much so that he recorded many of their conversations and saved all his letters. As the 1987 letter below from the California Provincial points out, Bob Wild SJ knew his friend Don McGuire had problems in the Golden State. But not to worry, money hides many sins. We shall see…
Donlad McGuire did not know when to run.
Enjoy the Circle Jerks performing Wild in the Streets
In the heat of the summer
Better call out a plumber
Turn on the steam pipe
Cool me off
With your big crime fighters
And your newspaper writers
Still need a drugstore
To cure my buzz
Wild in the streets, running, running
Wild in the streets
’64 valiant, hand full of valiums
Couple of beers really do me right
You better believe us, better trust us
Teenage jive, walking wreck
Wild,wild,wild,running wild
Wild in the streets, running, running
Wild in the streets
Got a gang called the wolves
You have to choose
Play with the boys
You’re bound to lose
A bottle in one hand
A can in the other
Don’t fool around ’cause they’re real
Mean mothers
Wild running, running
Mrs. America, how’s your favorite son?
Do you care just what he’s done?