| Cops Jesuit Style or the Sensitive Incidents Team
What They Knew
September 22, 2012
“Dedicated to the Men in Black who protect their fellow brothers from law enforcement.”
This week has continued another horrid month for the California Province of the Society of Jesus. That poor California Province Public Relations Director is earning his paycheck this year…
But his job is nothing compared to that of the Sensitive Incidents Team (SIT) of the California Province. Now skipping past the numerous puns about “SIT-ting on evidence” or “abbreviated SIT because thats usually what they do and never call the police.” They are the “SWAT Team for Jesuit Child Sex Abuse” and they have been busy. First we had the summer of Jerold Lindner SJ. With the total of victims at over 8 between the San Jose and Sacramento areas, there is the William Farrington SJ “sensitive incident”. Thanks to the work of these dedicated Jesuit “ninjas” we will never know how many other abusers this group has hid in the shadows from legitimate criminal investigation.
Occasionally, we here at What They Knew get criticized for being anti-clerical and giving the impression that there are no good Jesuits. That is simply not true. There are a many Jesuits who do wonderful things and you can read about them on the numerous Jesuit websites the Society has paid very good money for. Also of note there are a few very good Jesuits who abhor the abuse of children, despise their corrupt Superiors and detest the cover-up / code of silence. These anonymous Jesuit priests toil thanklessly to get the truth out at huge risk and help us get documents and assist this website as a means of change for an organization they believe would be restored minus the criminal element within. But more from them later.
Here is a sneak peak at the 2012 California Province Sensitive Incident Team, thanks to a very good Jesuit.
It would seem most of those named here are mandatory reporters to the police?
Jude Barry knows who’s on the list
Jude Berry: (from his bio as USF Trustee) is the CEO and founder of Catapult Strategies, a social media and political consulting firm based in Silicon Valley. He is a nationally recognized ethics leader. In 1993, Barry helped to craft Santa Clara County’s first ethics ordinance, establishing campaign contribution limits and increasing transparency in county politics. He is the co-founder of Verafirma, a company that is developing electronic signatures for use in government and politics. Barry currently serves as chair of the board of advisors for the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and Common Good.
Maureen Clark knows how to make Jesuits listen
Maureen Clark: (from her Linkedin) Human Resources expert for start-up through mid-size companies. Specialist in resolving difficult employment situations. Consult on Internal problem-solving for difficult issues (e.g., complaints of sexual harassment, discrimination, unfair treatment), and (4) expert witness services. Train managers and supervisors in the prevention of sexual harassment. established Three Sixty HR, LLC for the purpose of handling internal HR investigations and taking HR expert witness assignments. We are working under the supervision of a licensed private investigator for internal investigations.
Chief Decena knows who’s been a bad Jesuit
Chief Peter Decena: Chief of Police for San Jose State University. You can read about him HERE. Seems he would be a mandatory report of child sexual abuse?
Dr. Susan Greenberg-Englander, MD – Psychiatrist – She has spent 10 years on the California Province SIT. Had deposition taken in many cases.
Fr. Chris Cartwright SJ knows how to keep his brothers safe but forgets the children
Fr. Christopher Cartwright SJ:
- Joined Jesuits in 1970,
- Studied at Loyola Marymount University, Gonzaga University and Jesuit School of Theology at Berkley,
- Experienced Pastoral Minister,
- Worked in Campus Ministry at USF and University of Hawaii,
- Served as a Pastor, Retreat Director and Music director,
- Native of California and a Jesuit in Residence in the Unity Residential Learning Community.
-at Brophy College Preparatory (’98-’03) guess he missed Farrington?
Sr. Patrice Coolick knows how “boys will be boys”
Sr. Patrice Coolick: CSJ, RN, a Sister of St. Joseph, is an oncology nurse at O’Connor Hospital in San Jose, California.
Paul Gaspari knows how to do his job and kept the Jesuits out of jail.
Paul Gaspari: Attorney – Weintraub Tobin: Attorney for CA Jesuits in the Br. Conner SJ case. As a litigation shareholder of the firm, Paul advises clients on commercial law, insurance defense, public liability, real estate, and employment related litigation. He routinely represents employers and their insurers in the defense of employee misconduct actions including the defense of sexual harassment claims, DFEH and EEOC investigations and charges. Paul also litigates First Amendment issues for several national, state and local religious organizations. From 2004 through 2006, Paul served as Defense Liaison Counsel in the California Judicial Council Coordinated Proceeding entitled “Clergy Cases III,” a clergy sexual abuse proceeding with over 350 claimants.
Gerdenio Manuel, S.J. know how to get Jesuits better treatment than victims
Gerdenio Manuel, S.J., Ph.D.: is Professor of Psychology at USF and the Provincial Assistant for Higher Education and Prefect of Studies for the California Province of the Jesuits. Fr. Manuel’s areas of scholarship include coping with stress and traumatic life events and the relationship of psychology, faith, and religious life. His book, Living Celibacy, Psychosexual Well Being for Catholic Priests, is being published by Paulist Press. His teaching interests include positive psychology, abnormal psychology, and clinical psychology. He has held the positions of Director of Vocations, Director of Jesuits in Formation, and the Director of Strategic Planning for the California Province of the Jesuits. A licensed psychologist in California, one would imagine he is a mandatory report too?
Michael F. Weiler SJ – California Provincial outside Sacred Heart “the retreat” -
He picks everyone on SIT. This video gives you a rare look inside the “Pedophile Mansion” aka Sacred Heart Retreat Center… looks a lot better than a prison cell where some of the residents belong.
He wants you to know he appreciates your continued financial assistance.
Last our old friend Thomas Plante PhD:
Wrote: Plante, T. G., & McChesney, K. (Eds.). (2011). Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: A Decade of Crisis, 2002-2012.
Plante abosolutely loves the John Jay Report – HERE. He would be out of a job with no supporting evidence to argue any of his beleaguered points that excuse the abuse of children without it. And for that he is extremely well paid by the Jesuits as professor of psychology and director of the spirituality and health institute at Santa Clara University and author of several books and many articles on clergy sexual abuse.
We’ll get back to him later.
Now a VERY GOOD article from a Jesuit who thinks all this abuse and cover-up is ‘asinine”. Welcome aboard.
In the mean time The Clash – Guns of Brixton