A Paper Trail of Abuse

Los Angeles Times
September 17, 2012

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Since at least 1919, the Boy Scouts of Amer­ica has main­tained "in­eli­gible vo­lun­teer" files in­ten­ded to keep sexu­al ab­users, among oth­ers, out of its ranks. The re­cords have been closely held by the Scouts, which con­tends that con­fid­en­ti­al­ity is es­sen­tial to pro­tect vic­tims, wit­nesses and any­one falsely ac­cused.

The Times re­viewed about 1,600 of the files dat­ing from 1970 to 1991. In hun­dreds of cases, sexu­al ab­use was not re­por­ted to law en­force­ment, and Scout of­fi­cials at times act­ively hid it from par­ents and the pub­lic. In at least 50 cases, the Boy Scouts ex­pelled men for al­leged sexu­al ab­use, only to dis­cov­er later that they had reentered the Scouts and were again ac­cused of mo­lest­ing.

Here are files from some of those cases. The Times has re­dac­ted vic­tims' names and oth­er identi­fy­ing in­form­a­tion. Some files in­clude ex­pli­cit ac­counts of sexu­al ab­use.


Sept. 14, 2012

A long­time Scouts chap­lain and Cath­ol­ic priest, Mi­carelli was ac­cused in 1990 of rap­ing two broth­ers years earli­er. No charges were filed, but Mi­carelli later was one of a dozen de­fend­ants in a law­suit that in 2002 ended in a $13.5 mil­lion set­tle­ment by the Dio­cese of Provid­ence with 36 ab­use vic­tims.


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