| Spiritual Life: Author Says Vatican Rules through Indoctrination, Control, and Fear
By Suzette Martinez
Patriot Ledger
September 1, 2012
Suzette Martinez Standring
The Vatican rules the Roman Catholic Church through indoctrination, control, and fear, rather than through nurturing love, service, and freedom, according to Father Emmett Coyne, a Roman Catholic priest. His new book, “The Theology of Fear,” exposes how far the highest church authorities have strayed from the gospel of Jesus Christ (CreateSpace, $12.25, 325 pages, July 2012). The book is available on Amazon and on www.emmettcoyne.net
“I’m on the last lap of life and eternity is facing me. It’s my last chance to speak up and speak out,” said Father Coyne, who was ordained in 1966 and is retired at age 73.
For 46 years, the Rev. Coyne’s ministry has focused on serving those in need. He was a parish priest at several New Hampshire parishes, and later traveled to more than 1,000 parishes nationally to raise awareness and money to help the poor. His conscience is disturbed at how the gospel of Jesus that teaches service on behalf of the least ones is subverted in favor of church power.
“Theology of Fear” is a well-written and easy-to-read history of the systems put into place that created the Roman Catholic Church as the only religious political entity in the world through the establishment of the Vatican city state. “I think the gospel is compromised when it is processed through a political consideration,” said the Rev. Coyne who lives in Exeter, N.H.
He believes Catholics learn more about how to go to hell than how to get into heaven, and that, historically, the sacraments were established as a way to control church members through guilt and fear. “Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God. He didn’t proclaim the sacraments,” he said.
The book further asserts that seminarians are ordained based on their ability to follow doctrine without question, while activist priests are viewed as risks to church authority. “They (seminarians) drop out when they discover they can’t think for themselves,” said the Rev. Coyne, who once was chastised for adding the words, “Jesus, our good shepherd,” to a prayer.
What does this long-time priest hope to accomplish with his book? The 50th anniversary of the Vatican Council will occur in October, and the Rev. Father Coyne believes change, reform, and transparency of the church’s highest echelons are crucial. He wants everyday Catholics to rediscover Jesus’ teachings that it is the person who is absolute in God’s eyes, not an institution. Jesus emphasized the spirit of the law grounded in love, never the letter of the law based on punishment. Father Coyne expects church authorities will not be happy with his book. “One has to follow the truth wherever it takes him,” he said.
All proceeds of his book will be donated to nonprofit Partners In Health (www.PIH.org), which reflects the Rev. Coyne’s ideal of an organization that serves the plight of the poor.
Suzette Martinez Standring is the author of the Art of Column Writing, and teaches writing workshops nationally. She is the TV host of “It’s All Write with Suzette,” a Milton cable show about writing. Look for episodes on www.vimeo.com. E-mail her at suzmar@comcast.net or visit www.readsuzette.com