| Priest Involved in Facebook Controversy Celebrates Final Mass
By Jenny Wagner
Times Online
August 16, 2012
Photo by Kevin Lorenzi of The Times
A Sewickley priest who was accused of posting inappropriate messages to a minor on Facebook celebrated his last Mass at St. James Catholic Church on Wednesday.
While many parishioners packed the Walnut Street sanctuary to show their support for the Rev. Dan Valentine, who resigned as pastor effective Wednesday, some individuals outside the church protested the holy day service.
Fran Samber, Pittsburgh leader of the non-profit group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and a few others handed out leaflets and encouraged churchgoers to ask questions regarding the investigation into Valentine’s actions.
“We found out about (Valentine) and we were concerned with the fact that he’s resigning but no information was given to the parishioners,” Samber said.
Valentine, who spent six years as pastor of St. James, went on voluntary leave May 19, after Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese officials received a complaint regarding Facebook posts he made. The diocese turned over the complaint to the Allegheny County District Attorney’s office and ordered a forensic audit of both the church’s and Valentine’s personal computers, but the investigation resulted in no criminal charges being filed.
Samber and other members of SNAP on Wednesday called for the diocese to release more information about the nature of the Facebook messages and criticized the decision to hold the final Mass and a reception for Valentine.
“If this was a school and a school teacher, if the principal threw him a goodbye party there would be riots in the streets,” Samber said.
Bishop David Zubik, who also attended the Mass, said it was an opportunity for parishioners and Valentine to say farewell.
“It was an opportunity to come together on the Feast of Mary for people to be able to pray, and that’s the most important thing that we did here tonight,” Zubik said, adding that had the district attorney’s findings been different, the goodbye service would not have been held.
Zubik previously called Valentine’s postings “a matter of poor judgement,” but on Wednesday said the church has declined to comment further on the messages in order to protect the privacy of everyone involved.
Longtime parishioner Bill Boswell of Glen-Osborne said the service Wednesday was very emotional and marked by applause.
“We’d still be applauding if Father Dan didn’t stop us,” Boswell said. “We’re sorry to lose him and we wish him blessings going forward.”
Valentine will remain on leave for the time being as he takes time to heal and “take stock” in his life, but he will be permitted to return to ministry in the future, diocese spokesman the Rev. Ron Lengwin said.
The church will welcome a new pastor, the Rev. Thomas Burke, on Aug. 27, according to Lengwin. Burke, who was ordained in 2001, currently serves as pastor of Good Shepherd Catholic Parish in Braddock.
Contact: jwagner@timesonline.com