| Controversy over Clergy Abuse Takes Its Toll
By Dominic Brine
ABC Ballarat
August 3, 2012
New Bishop Fr Paul Bird and retiring Bishop Fr Peter Connors (Dominic Brine - ABC Local)
The Catholic Bishop of the Ballarat diocese for the past 15 years Bishop Peter Connors has retired a year early due in part to the ongoing controversy over abuse by some members of the Catholic clergy.
"I had some health problems and I had dealt with a lot issues concerning sexual assault cases."
Bishop Connors has met with 30 to 40 victims over the last 15 years.
"You notice what a horrible affect the abuse has had on the victim and then you come to realise that the victim has a partner who is confused or upset and also the victim's parents who must have wondered for years what's been happening to their son or daughter."
Bishop Connors has learnt the art of listening to victims and knows how hurt they are.
"To go through that year after year has not been easy."
Bishop Connors offered his resignation to the Pope with the process to appoint a new Bishop taking 18 months but he's delighted with Pope Benedict XV1 choice of Father Paul Bird CSSR as the eighth Bishop of Ballarat.
Father Bird has been leading the Redemptorists in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia since 2008.
In regard to the issue of abuse by some clergy, Father Bird thinks that care for those who've been hurt is a call for all priests.
"The care and kindness we can show victims will help them towards some healing in their life."
With a Victorian parliamentary inquiry underway the new Bishop is circumspect about whether there should also be a royal commission into abuse by clergy.
"I'd leave that to government to think what the best way is, I see the value of any inquiry is its independence so any way that might help us all respond better looking at what's been done and improving ways in which we respond to victims would be an advantage."
As the new Bishop, Father Paul Bird's first priority is to learn about the diocese and he admits that he's a bit nervous.
"I'm like anybody starting a new job, I'm excited, it's new but I'm also nervous as it's the first time I've been a Bishop so it's quite a new job for me."
In reference to the ongoing shortage of priests the new Bishop thinks the way that he and the priests of the diocese live their lives will be a great attraction.
"I'll encourage the priests to be positive but also the encourage congregations to foster anyone who shows an interest in priesthood or religious life and present those options as a really positive life or serving people."