| ** SNAP Conference 2012 Exclusive ** One Hand Washes the Other: Jeff Anderson, Other Contingency Lawyers Bankroll Church-Bashing Group
By Dave Pierre
August 1, 2012
Bringing in the cash: Minneapolis lawyer Jeff Anderson
The high-profile, Church-suing attorney Jeff Anderson offered up a whopping check for $43,950 to SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) as he orchestrated this year's fundraising session at the group's annual conference at the Hilton Rosemont in Chicago, according to sources who were there.
Seizing the microphone during a mid-afternoon session this past Saturday, the zealous Anderson pleaded aggressively with attendees in the conference room to donate to the anti-Catholic group. Anderson announced that he would match all pledges made during the drive.
As the pledges commenced, Anderson energetically dashed around the room working the crowd like a carnival barker, eager to rake in more money for his favorite cause.
Other contingency lawyers pitch in
Fellow big-time contingency lawyers quickly stepped up to the plate. Chicago's Marc Pearlman (a partner of Anderson) offered up $10,000, and Seattle's Tim Kosnoff pledged $5,000. Boston's Mitchell Garabedian may have offered $2,000.
The SNAP-lawyer alliance exposed
As we have often pointed out, lawsuits alleging decades-old abuse by Catholic priests have become a big business, an industry with literally billions of dollars in revenue.
But the industry is composed of a relatively small number of players: professional victims' groups like SNAP; wealthy contingency lawyers who typically pocket a third of successful suits; and Church-bashing "experts" always ready to opine in court.
If anyone had any doubt about this close-knit collaboration, SNAP's annual conference should put any doubt to rest. Wealthy lawyers were opening their wallets to fund their favorite Church-bashers, likely with the hope that their gestures will keep the clients and fat paydays coming.
Lawyers contributed well over half of all of the money raised at SNAP's big event. The intimate partnership between the purported victims' group SNAP and its wealthy benefactor lawyers is thus undeniable.
[**Stay tuned for even more exclusive information about SNAP's recent conference. It will definitely surprise you!**]