| Vatican Hague Crimes Filing Update, Spees Talks to Cofa Blog
By Kay Ebeling
City of Angels
July 30, 2012
[with video]
Update on The Hague International Criminal Court filing September 2011 re Vatican Crimes Against Humanity, interviews took place July 28, 2012, in Chicago. First Pam Spees of Center for Constitutional Rights in NY, gives current status of case:
Pam Spees heads the Center for Constitutional Rights in NYC.
Q: You're Pam Spees from the- what is the name of the organization in New York.
A: The Center for Constitutional Rights.
Q: And tell us what the status is of the case that you filed in The Hague last year.
A: Well since we filed the larger submission in September along with twenty-two thousand pages of documentation, we have filed a supplemental communication to the prosecutor in April of this year. Which was intended to provide an update as things have come to light just since we filed in September. And that included the publication of an Amnesty International Report about the clergy sex abuse in Ireland, calling it torture and crimes against humanity. More evidence that had come to light around the notorious priest from Mexico, Father Marcel Maciel and to be able to show that Ratzinger played more of a role and actually protected him, that evidence had come to life. We, you know, notified the prosecutor that SNAP has received over five hundred contacts and communications from people in sixty-five different countries.
Q: What is the status on that case? I understand when the old prosecutor stepped down, the new prosecutor threw some cases out, but your case did not get thrown out. Is that part of the good news today?
A: Well the- we did get a communication from the Office of the Prosecutor that they're still reviewing the communication and the evidence we submitted. And so, you know, we know it's still there and they're looking at it and taking it seriously and we feel hopeful.
Q: Have you had any communication with the new prosecutor? (NOTE: I was so distracted by trying to get rid of the glare on her glasses that I wasn’t listening the best, so sorry)
A: Well that letter we received was sent after the new prosecutor took office.
Q: And it said again what?
A: That they are reviewing the evidence, and continuing to analyze the legal framework and the whether the Court has jurisdiction and this is something that could take a while. But we're hopeful.
Q: Well they're vacuuming now so-
(NOTE: Every video I tried to do in that Hilton Rosemont Hotel lobby was interrupted by a vacuum cleaner that would start up as I was trying to work….)
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