| Clergy Sex Abuse Trial Settled for $500k
By Ryan Trowbridge
July 27, 2012
Clergy Sex Abuse Trial Settled for $500K
A Williamstown man settles his civil suit against two Springfield bishops.
The $500,000 settlement was announced Friday morning at Hampden County Superior Court.
It was emotional testimony during the trial that Attorney John Stobierski says accelerated discussions of a settlement in Andrew Nicastro’s civil suit against Springfield bishops Thomas Dupre and Joseph Maguire.
Nicastro says he was abused 30 years ago by now defrocked priest Alfred Graves .
He sued the bishops because he said they were in supervisory positions and should have prevented the abuse he suffered.
After the $500,000 settlement was reached, abruptly ending the trial, Nicastro talked about the case. “All along I wanted everyone to know that money’s not the issue. The issue was accountability and I feel today at least it was placed where it belongs,” says Nicastro.
Nicastro’s attorney John Stobierski says the settlement vindicates his client, “Those who permitted Alfred Graves to molest him have shared in responsibility and come forward and accepted enough responsibility to satisfy him,” says Stobierski.
One of the messages from Andrew Nicastro and his supporters is that victims of sex abuse should come forward as difficult as that may be, that there is help out there for them. “If you suffer and you’re suffering silently come forward. If you have to find me, come find me and I will come forward with you, I will help you,” says Nicastro.
Father Mark Burke, a friend of Nicastro, says there is hope for victims of abuse. He says Andrew Nicastro is an example. “His life is a testimony to the human spirit’s capacity to survive in the midst of emotional pain and turmoil,” says Fr. Burke.
Bishop Emeritus Joseph Maguire issued a statement which in part read,” I am truly sorry for all that Mr. Nicastro suffered and the hardships it has brought in his life. I only wish that in 1976 as a new bishop, I could have foreseen the true nature of one who violated our trust with such devastating harm to his victims. I pray for these victims and their families, for their forgiveness and understanding.”