| Catholic Diocese of Green Bay Appeals Merryfield Civil Verdict
July 17, 2012
Attorneys begin arguments July 17, 2012, in Outagamie County court, as the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay appeals a $700,000 ruling in the Merryfield priest abuse case. (courtesy of FOX 11).
The Green Bay Catholic Diocese is in Outagamie County court Tuesday appealing a civil fraud case brought by two brothers who were molested by a former priest.
In May, a jury awarded Todd and Troy Merryfield $700,000. The Merryfields were molested by former priest John Feeney in Freedom in 1978. Feeney was convicted criminally in 2004.
In front of Judge Nancy Krueger, attorneys for the Diocese of Green Bay argued one of the jurors was biased against the diocese. It claims the juror made biased statements to other jurors after the verdict.
The diocese says that juror was suspicious her brother may have also been an abuse victim of Feeney.
"The parties, the court, the public are entitled to a level playing field with jurors who do not come in harboring the kind of bias this juror definitely had," said Pat Brennan, attorney for the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
"She did not think it had any impact on her ability to be a fair juror and to hear the issues between the parties and to rule on them so she didn't think to bring it up to anyone," said John Peterson, attorney for Troy Merryfield.
The diocese is also asking for the case to be dismissed. The diocese says the Merryfields waited so long to file their case, key witnesses, including former Bishop Aloysius Wycislo, had passed away.
After the hearing, Todd Merryfield said the appeal proves the diocese is not ready to admit the truth.
"The jury agreed with us and they are showing their true colors today. Are the children being protected? I don't know," Todd Merryfield said according to FOX 11.
Representatives of the diocese said they want to wait until the judge makes her rulings on the motions, which could come as early as early as Wednesday, to comment.
The Merryfields dropped their punitive damage claim after the May verdict. The brothers said they weren't out for money, but to make sure the abuse they faced doesn't happen to others.