Statement of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Regarding Father Curtis Wehmeyer

By Jim Accurso
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
June 24, 2012

Archbishop John Nienstedt has removed the pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish in St. Paul, Reverend Curtis Wehmeyer, after learning of allegations that the priest had engaged in misconduct involving a minor. Following archdiocesan policy, the Archdiocese immediately reported the allegations to the police, and an investigation into the allegations was begun. The Archdiocese is cooperating fully with police in their investigation.

Pending the outcome of the investigation, Father Wehmeyer is prohibited from exercising any ministry in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. He is no longer in residence at Blessed Sacrament.

Another priest will be appointed to Blessed Sacrament to provide for parishioners' sacramental and pastoral needs.

Anyone having knowledge of misconduct within a parish should call the proper authorities and is encouraged to notify the Archdiocese at 651.291.4497.

The Archdiocese deeply regrets the pain caused by clergy misconduct or by others within the Church. The Archdiocese is offering its support and assistance to all concerned.


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