| It's Not Really about Sex Abuse: More Proof of Snap's Hidden Agenda
By Dave Pierre
June 11, 2012
About the Victims? Barbara Blaine and Rev. Barry Lynn
More proof has just emerged that the anti-Catholic group SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) is really more about advancing a left-wing agenda than fulfilling its purported mission "to provide support for men & women who have been sexually victimized by members of the clergy."
This past March, Barbara Blaine, the founder of the SNAP, was a featured speaker at the "Women•Money•Power Forum" hosted by Feminist Majority, a powerful, radical, pro-abortion activist group.
Other speakers at the event included radical liberal voices such as Eleanor Smeal, Sandra Fluke, and Dawn Laguens (a VP at Planned Parenthood). (See screenshot outlining the event.)
The Feminist Majority says it promotes causes including "non-violence," "reproductive health," and "non-discrimination on the basis of sex, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, ethnicity, age, marital status, nation of origin, size or disability."
One might ask what these issues have to do with Catholic Church abuse victims. The answer: Nothing.
The upcoming 2012 SNAP Conference
Another speaker at the Feminist Majority's March gathering was Rev. Barry W. Lynn, the rickety high-profile president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
Lynn is an avowed leftist who, despite the "Reverend" title, appears to criticize just about any public expression of traditional Christianity. While Lynn has repeatedly blasted conservative religious leaders for participation in public policy matters and political life, such participation is reportedly O.K. in Lynn's book when it involves those who are aligned with his far-left causes.
Apparently, Lynn made such an impression on SNAP President Blaine in March that she invited him to speak at SNAP's upcoming annual conference in July in Chicago.
How does Lynn tie into the issue of healing for those who have been harmed by Catholic clergy? The obvious answer: He doesn't. Lynn is simply parroting the same left-wing political and social agenda of the top leadership at SNAP. (Reminder: SNAP National Director David Clohessy worked for nearly a decade with the notorious, left-wing activist group ACORN.)
Is SNAP really about its stated mission "to provide support for men & women who have been sexually victimized by members of the clergy"? SNAP's actions speak louder than its words.