| Charles Lewis: Fight between Nuns and the Vatican Will Diminish Both
By Charles Lewis
National Post
June 11, 2012
I spent all of last week looking into a battle that has broken out between American nuns and the Vatican. That story appeared in Saturday’s National Post.
Most of the American press has played this as an outright attack on the religious sisters. My suspicion is those in the secular press coming to the aid of the sisters are happy to take any opportunity to make the men of the Vatican look like women-hating ogres. These are not people who love or even like the Catholic Church so when they see an opening they cannot help but jump right in. They do not love the nuns but they do dislike the Church.
That is not to say that the nuns do not have some strong points in this spat but it is simply unfair to think the Vatican may not have a few good points of its own. One nun I spoke to accused me of being biased and a bit slow because I dared to ask questions about some of her assumptions — a funny habit that reporters have. Her message was simple: you can mess with the Vatican but do not dare to question the nuns.
That did not stop me from quoting her but she is definitely off my Christmas card list.
This fight is over a document released by the Vatican’s office for doctrinal purity, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), a few weeks ago that criticized the main leadership group of America’s 57,000 nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, or LCWR.
It is not a flattering report. The CDF says the leadership is far too liberal, has strayed from Church teaching and has created a kind of parallel Catholicism that is one foot in and one foot out of the faith. For extra measure, they called the nuns “radical feminists.”
The sisters say the Vatican is jealous because the people really love the nuns and are indifferent to the bishops and the rest of the hierarchy. The background noise here is the sexual abuse crisis and the part some bishops played in covering up heinous crimes and the perception that the Vatican sat on its hand for far too long.
The bad taste from those cover-ups will linger for years.
The nuns also say that since they have to work on the ground, in often tough situations among rough people, they cannot always follow Church teaching to the letter. It just would not be practical or even helpful — yet they can still conduct themselves in a Christian manner showing all sorts of people the love of Christ.
The Vatican inevitably gets the worst rap in these kind of debates. Most secular readers do not really understand how the Church works and they cannot understand why the Church is not more democratic. This may be cold comfort but the Church has never been democratic and never will be. It is built on a hierarchy in which the pope is considered the “Vicar of Christ.” And despite how offensive many people find this arrangement the structure has worked pretty well — 2,000 years old with a billion members must be proof of something.
The Vatican never really sees itself as changing but rather gaining further illumination into the truth of the faith. A good example are the dogmas concerning Mary. In 1854 the Church created the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the idea that Mary was born without original sin. In 1950, the Church said the assumption of Mary into heaven was also a dogma.
To outsiders it looked as if the Vatican was making up as it went along.
But these were notions that had been around for centuries and it simply took that long for the Church to make those teachings dogmatic. The Vatican likes to take its time.
All this to say I have some sympathy for the Vatican. It does not pretend to be anything other than it is.
I also have sympathy for the nuns. Even though they know they are part of a Church that demands obedience, the complexity of their work means taking people as they are — and in those cases, when facing an emergency, sometimes ad-libbing is necessary.
Years ago I met a priest working in a shelter for drug addicts in a really seedy part of Dublin. During this time, the mid-1980s, there was also an AIDs epidemic breaking out among heterosexual heroin addicts.
The priest told me flat out that he had no choice but to hand out condoms to his flock because, in his words, “Otherwise the f…ing idiots will kill themselves.”
Handing out condoms is not the usual for priests but he was facing an extreme situation. It was especially peculiar in Ireland where only a few years before it was illegal to buy condoms over the counter.
The Church hierarchy would have likely said the priest was using an evil to achieve a good outcome but that route is never permissible. But to this priest his first goal was to stop the spread of a deadly disease. Later, he would have to try to tackle the drug problem. And then later still remind his messed-up flock that if they had stuck to Church teaching they may have saved themselves a world of trouble.
I am not sure how much it helped that the CDF called the nuns radical feminists. I am not even sure what that means and nor was it really explained. I find it hard to think of someone who devotes her life to the care of the sick and the poor and also takes vows of chastity as a radical feminist.
The long-term outcome of this mess can only be guessed at. It could be years before there is a resolution. But the short-term is already here: a lack of charity on both sides will only help to diminish the Church further in the eyes of its myriad critics.