| Rochester Catholic Diocese Identifies Priests in Sexual Abuse Cases
By Neal Simon
Evening Tribune
June 8, 2012
[Dispositions, 2002-Present]
Bishop Matthew Clark: “Our Diocese has sought to reach out to those who were hurt in the past by the behavior of some of our priests."
Rocheter, N.Y. —
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester has released the names of priests who have been removed from public ministry over the last decade for credible claims of sexual abuse of minors.
In addition to the names of the nearly two dozen offenders, the list summarizes the final dispositions of all claims resolved since the church established comprehensive procedures for addressing sexual abuse allegations in 2002.
“No priest who has harmed a minor remains in public ministry,” the diocese said in a statement.
The diocese said will update the list if new, credible allegations of abuse are presented.
“Our Diocese has sought to reach out to those who were hurt in the past by the behavior of some of our priests. I have offered then — and I offer now — my sincere apologies on behalf of our local Church, and a personal pledge to each and every one of the victims and to all our faithful,” said Bishop Matthew H. Clark.
Priests who have been dismissed from the clerical state, or assigned to a life of prayer and penance, with no public ministry possible:
Thomas Burr, Thomas Corbett, Eugene Emo, Robert Hammond, William Lum, Dennis Sewar, David Simon, Francis Vogt, Robert Winterkorn.
Cases where the priest voluntary left the clerical state after being accused of sexual abuse by a minor:
Albert Carson, Paul Cloonan, Joseph Larrabee and Foster Rogers.
Cases not resolved but the cleric has been removed from public ministry and placed on administrative leave:
Vincent Panepinto, Paul Schnacky, Dennis Shaw, Conrad Sundholm and Michael Volino.
Complaints received after the death of the priest:
David Bonin.