| Nbsccc Issues 2011 Annual Report
National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church
June 6, 2012
[with pdf]
The National Board For Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church (NBSCCC) today launched its Annual Report for 2011. Covering the period from March 31st 2011 to April 1st 2012, the Report gives detail on the activities undertaken, the level of abuse reporting and of innovations deployed during that time. 237 new abuse allegations were reported to the NBSCCC involving 196 priests and religious and originate predominantly with adults complaining in relation to abuse that happened in childhood. Only 6 complaints related to the period from the year 2000 onwards. The equivalent period in 2010 into 2011 saw 272 new reports made.
"We noted in our last Annual Report that we had received a large number of requests for advice both from religious bodies and dioceses. Existing Advisory panels were also providing support but we took the view that an additional resource to support Ordinaries faced with challenging safeguarding concerns should be created. On a pilot basis, the National Case Management Reference Group (NCMRG), has been set up to address that need." stated Ian Elliott, Chief Executive, NBSCCC. "Very quickly the NCMRG received even more requests for advice than was expected and, while we will fully evaluate the service after its first full year, but initial indications are that the advice is being well received."
Demand for services from the NBSCCC continued to rise during the year. So, innovations designed to facilitate that workload, including the establishment of the NCMRG were prominent. The most significant on the training side was the creation of a standardised set of training materials and the recruitment of eight tutors, two in each metropolitan area to ensure its roll out.
"While we have worked hard to increase the amount of work we can take on, we would greatly value additional funding," said Elliott. "This has been discussed with the Sponsoring Bodies and we have been greatly encouraged by their willingness to listen to our requests."
Three areas will remain the focus of activity for the NBSCCC during 2012. The Reviews of Safeguarding, the ongoing development of the Standards and Guidance and the implementation of the National Training and Support Programme are identified as the organisation's priorities by the Annual Report.