| Haredi Rabbi Tells Radio Audience Not to Call Police When a Child Is Molested
Failed Messiah
June 3, 2012
Rabbi Osher Schapiro
[with audio]
Rabbi Osher Schapiro, the Britain-based son of the Naroler Rebbe and Director of Kol Bonaich - Teens at Risk, Kids in Pain, said that activists who tell victims to go to police to report child sex abuse are "mishugoyim," a slur that means crazy people or wild people. He repeated several times that a rabbi must be asked before reporting abuse, and said that if a rabbi says do not call police, you must listen to him. He also implied that God would deal with the pedophiles who escape because of this system, noting an increase in the number of recent prosecutions. Of course, Schapiro didn't credit any of the "mishugoyim" with that.
Speaking on Zev Brenner's radio show last night, Schapiro also said that many times prosecuting pedophiles doesn't help the victims. When asked about preventing pedophiles from assaulting kids in the future and making even more victims, he avoided answering the question directly.
Here's the audio. If you want to be able to fast forward, etc. download the audio directly from Zev Brenner's website. TypePad's media player lacks those controls.