| Time to Resurrect the Limerick
By Vinnie Nauheimer
Minnesota SNAP
June 2, 2012
Mary, having heard the cries of the suffering children and the prayers of a laity in the throws of turmoil, intercedes on their behalf with Jesus. He too is exceedingly dismayed by what his church has become, the hierarchy’s adamant refusal to change, the poor disenfranchised faithful, and decides to take action. He summons the Furies, whose job it is to punish those who break sacred trusts by sending them to, Judecca, which is a section of Dante’s Ninth Circle of hell reserved for those who, by betraying their God, their vows, and humanity, have committed crimes with great historical and societal consequences. The Furies are relentless in their pursuit of these defilers of faith and never stop pursuing either them or those who support them.
When the Furies are in his midst, Jesus charges them to seek out the laity and spell out the crimes of the hierarchy to them. Knowing full well the capacity of Catholics to rebuff the verbalization of hierarchal crimes as “Church Bashing,” and remembering, Doubting Thomas, Jesus admonishes the Furies to only mention crimes that have made headline news over the past ten years concentrating on the ones that have most recently been publicized, are Internet searchable and have been confirmed by the press thereby leaving little doubt in the laity’s mind as to the true nature of their hierarchy. In keeping with their task, the Furies have gathered the laity and are reciting the litany of hierarchal crimes against children, law, society and God. The laity responds with its own litany.
The Furies: A couple of weeks ago in Cardinal Dolan’s old diocese, Milwaukee, according to Judge Susan V. Kelley, the depositions of bishops Weakland and Sklba contained material so “scandalous”, that she would not release them to the public, apparently afraid of the impact they will have on the church’s reputation and ability to function as a business.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Catholic Church working with dictatorial government authorities took babies from political dissidents and gave them to couples they deemed to be acceptable parents.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Catholic Church sold babies for a profit in Spain, Ireland, and Australia.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Catholic Church working for the Canadian Government has been recognized as an active participant of the genocide of Native North American Children.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Catholic Church through its Vatican Bank has been accused of laundering money.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: Earlier this year, the largest Catholic publishing company in Germany, Weltbild, owned by German Bishops, with 1.7 billion Euros in sales, was forced to disclose it has been publishing pornographic novels for years. The biggest source of revenue is from what the bishops called Erotic novels; others have labeled such titles as, “Sluts Boarding School and Lawyer’s Whore,” porn!
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: In Ireland, the Catholic Church forced young women into servitude for years just because they were pregnant, they’re parents couldn’t afford to raise them or because they were too good looking.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: Over the past several years, the behavior of hierarchy of the Catholic Church in failing to deal with clergy sexual abuse has been condemned by Grand Juries across the United States and three separate commissions in Ireland.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Catholic Church is a global purveyor of the crime of sexual abuse against children with credible cases of clerical sexual abuse reported in over forty countries around the world. It has also sent known pedophiles from one country to another to protect them.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Catholic Church has seminaries where local bishops have sexually abused young seminarians.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Austrian seminary of Sankt Polten was found to have over 40,000 pornographic photos on their computer system including bestiality and child pornography.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: Currently in Kansas City, a bishop is on trial for failure to report a priest who was found with child pornography on his computer.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: Currently in Philadelphia, lurid details of sexual abuse and their cover-up by a cardinal are released on a daily basis as the trial of Msgr. Lynn progresses.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: Recently a Canadian, a bishop was arrested for bringing child pornography into the country on his computer.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church! !
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: In Palm Beach, Fl., two successive bishops J. Keith Symons and Anthony J. O’Connell were allowed to retire after admitting to sexual abuse, one of them with seminarians.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: Last year, Roger Vangheluwe, a Belgium bishop admitted to abusing his two nephews, the Pope Benedict XVI allowed him to retire.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: Then whose church is it?
The Furies: The Pope Benedict XVI made this statement at the World Youth Day in Australia, “I ask all of you to support and assist your bishops, and to work together with them in combating this evil. Victims should receive compassion and care, and those responsible for these evils must be brought to justice.”
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: But, that’s not your church!
The Furies: The Catholic Church has excommunicated bishops over matters of doctrine, but has yet to laicize a single bishop for their personal sexual abuse or for covering up the sexual abuse of priests in their charge no matter how heinous the act.
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church!
The Furies: If this is not your church, whose church is it?
Parishioners: But, that’s not my church! My church is my parish community. We know each other, we love each other, help each other and we believe in and live the Gospels.
The Furies: Why have you let the hierarchy bring such shame down upon you? According to Matthew, Jesus said: “Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”
The Laity: We believe in one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
The Furies: Why have you permitted the hierarchy to squander the spiritual riches of your church?
The Laity: We were taught to pray, pay and obey!
The Furies: Why have you permitted the hierarchy to squander the good will of the church?
The Laity: We believe in one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
The Furies: Why have you allowed the hierarchy to force untold thousands to flee the church?
The Laity: We were taught to pray, pay and obey!
The Furies: Why have you permitted the hierarchy to, close your schools, your churches and rip your parishes asunder?
The Laity: We believe in one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
Furies: Did you bear witness to hierarchal behavior with your silence?
Laity: Yes, not for the hierarchy, but for the sake of my parish community!
Furies: Have you tacitly approved of hierarchal behavior by putting your vote in the collection plate every Sunday?
Laity: Yes, not for the hierarchy, but for the sake of my parish community!
Furies: Have you asked you fellow parishioners to withhold money until changes are made?
Laity: No, not for the hierarchy, but for the sake of my parish community!
Furies: Have you been vocal about the scandal and shame the hierarchy has brought down upon you and your church?
Laity: No, not for the hierarchy, but for the sake of my parish community!
Furies: Have you listened to your conscience in matters of hierarchal criminal behavior?
Laity: No, not for the hierarchy, but for the sake of my parish community!
Furies: Are you saying that your parish community is not part of the greater church?
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
The Furies: Why do you allow the hierarchy to continue to betray you and all that Jesus has taught? Have you not read Matthew 23:13-29?
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
The Furies: Matt 7: 15-20 Jesus said: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits.
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
Furies: Cut down the bad tree and throw it into the fire!
The Furies: St. Paul in his Epistle Corinthians 1, 5: 1-2, tells you “It is actually reported that there is immortality among you, and of a kind that is not found even among pagans; for a man is living with his father’s wife. And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let this be removed from you.”
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
Furies: Let this evil be removed from you!
The Furies: Corinthians 1, 5: 6-8, Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened.
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
Furies: Cleanse out the old leaven, start anew!
The Furies Corinthians 1, 5: 11-13, But rather I wrote to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber-not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside, “Drive out the wicked person from among you.”
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
Furies: Drive out the wicked hierarchy from you!
4. Corinthians 1, 15: 33, Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.
Laity: O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
Furies: Listen to Paul, bad company ruins good morals!
The Furies: Canon 748 states: “All are bound to seek the truth in the matters which concern God and Church; when they have found it, then by DIVINE LAW they are bound, and they have the right to embrace and keep it.”
The truth is your hierarchy is killing your church, depriving you of your religion, making a mockery of your religion and setting it on the path of destruction. They do this for no other reason than to maintain control, maintain their riches, their power, and feudal hold they on you the faithful. Let them be removed from you!