| Deliberations in Church Abuse Trial Continue Next Week
June 2, 2012
File photo of a Roman Catholic priest blessing wine during Sunday Mass. (David Silverman, Getty Images)
A Philadelphia jury is homing in on the alleged "smoking gun" in a groundbreaking clergy-abuse case.
Jurors have left for the weekend after starting deliberations in the 10-week trial of a former Roman Catholic church official. They're restart deliberations Monday.
They've already asked for a gray folder found in a locked safe at the Philadelphia archdiocese. The folder contains a 1994 list of 35 suspected predator-priests.
Monsignor William Lynn is charged with endangering children by keeping accused priests in ministry. He says he created the list for Cardinal Bevilacqua. Another secret memo shows Bevilacqua had the list shredded.
It's unclear who put the surviving copy in the safe. Church lawyers turned it over to prosecutors days after the cardinal's death this year.