| Ex-school Worker Pleads to Sex Assault
May 31, 2012
Jonathan Meyer at his arraignment on CSC charges in Holland (Jan. 12, 2012)
A former Holland Public Schools worker accused assaulting three middle school students in 2006 has pleaded guilty to some of the charges against him.
Jonathan Meyer pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Meyer, 32, was originally charged with three counts of first-degree CSC. He was a lunchroom supervisor at Holland's West Middle School at the time of the assaults and was also a church youth leader at Christ Memorial Church in Holland.
At a February preliminary exam, three teens testified the abuse happened in 2006 or 2007 when they were 13 and 14 years old.
One teen testified the abuse happened when Meyer was house-sitting while the teen's parents were out of town. The others said they snuck out at night with Meyer and he performed oral sex on them.
Meyer's sentencing is scheduled for July 23.